All Speeches


Fireside Chat at the CBA 2024 Global Markets Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at the Macquarie University – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living – Sydney

Appearance before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works – Canberra

Panel participation at the Macquarie University Business School – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee – Canberra

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee on Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023 [Provisions] and a related bill [Provisions] – Online

Fireside Chat at the AFR Banking Summit – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee on Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Bill 2023 – Online

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Additional Estimates) – Canberra


Panel Participation at the Regulators 2023 (FINSIA) – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Supplementary Budget Estimates) – Canberra

Panel Participation at the Virtual Conference on Financial Technology, Climate Change, and Challenges for Central Banks and Financial Regulators in Asia

Panel Participation at the ISDA/AFMA Derivatives Forum – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Australian Banking Association Annual Conference – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Budget Estimates) – Canberra

Panel Participation at the WEAI Monetary Panel – Melbourne

Remarks at IIF Australia Forum, Westpac – Sydney

Appearance before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Supplementary Budget Estimates) – Canberra


Panel Participation at the Bank of Thailand 80th Anniversary Conference on ‘Central Banking amidst Shifting Ground’ – Bangkok

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Additional Budget Estimates) – Canberra

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Budget Estimates) – Canberra

Panel Participation at the ASIC Annual Forum on ‘Wholesale Market Conditions and Resilience’ – Sydney

Panel participation at the Intersekt Festival 2022 – Melbourne

Panel Participation at the G20 Side Events Series Gala Seminar Central Bank Digital Currency and Crypto-Assets – Bali

Panel Participation at the UBS Panel discussion Central Banks and Inflation – Zurich

Panel Participation at the Regulators 2022 (FINSIA) – Sydney

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Budget Estimates) – Online

Appearance at the Walkley Awards for Business Journalism 2021 – Sydney

Opening address at Banking 2022 Conference

Panel participation at the Economic Implications of the Digital Economy Conference – Sydney

Role of the Financial Sector in Sustaining the Recovery – Remarks to G20 Meeting in Indonesia – Online

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Supplementary Estimates) – Online


Fireside chat at ACI Australia Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at Women in Payments on ‘The Future of Payments in Australia’ – Online

Panel participation at Women in Payments on ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies’ – Online

Panel participation at Australian Securitisation Forum Virtual Conference 2021 on ‘Transition to risk free rates – the future of BBSW’ – Online

Appearance before the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee – Online

Panel participation at Climate Change Authority COP26 – Online

Panel participation at Impact X Sydney Summit on ‘Disclosure as a Catalyst for Climate Investment and Opportunity’ – Online

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Supplementary Estimates) – Online

Panel participation at AusPECC Webinar Series

Appearance before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics – Canberra

Appearance before the Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue

Appearance before Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre – Online

Address to the Risk Australia Virtual Conference

Appearance before Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth – Canberra

Appearance before Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services – Online

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Estimates) – Canberra

Participation at Moody's Credit Trends Australia


Panel participation at The Australian's Strategic Forum 2020

Panel participation at ACI/Refinitiv on the Evolution of FX Benchmarks

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Estimates) – Online

Panel participation at the ANU Crawford Leadership Forum on ‘Global Economy and COVID-19

Panel participation at the Refinitiv & ACI Australia webinar on ‘Assessing the Impact of the FX Global Code’

Appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee (Estimates) – Canberra

Appearance at Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology – Sydney

Opening Statement to the Parliamentary Standing Committee On Public Works – Sydney

Panel participation at the 7th Australia-Canada Economic Leadership Forum, Melbourne


Panel participation – The Big Debate – at the AusPayNet Summit – Sydney

No text available.

Panel participation at the Australian Securitisation Forum 2019 – Sydney

No text available.

Panel participation at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association – Sydney

No text available

Address at ‘Governor Talk’ event at the International Monetary Fund – Washington, D.C.

No text available

Panel participation at the Redefining Conduct in FX markets event – Sydney

Panel participation at the 13th Annual Tech in Gov conference, Canberra

Bulletin article: The Committed Liquidity Facility

Panel participation at the ANU Crawford Australian Leadership Forum, Canberra

Panel participation at the 2nd Annual Real-Time Payments Summit, Sydney

Panel participation at the Bloomberg-ISDA Benchmarks forum, Hong Kong

Panel discussion – The End of Libor and the Impact on Australian Financial Markets – Sydney

Panel participation at the Financial Stability Institute, Basel, Switzerland

Remarks at the Australian Business Economists Forecasting Conference – Sydney


Panel Participation at the Australian Payment Summit – Sydney

Panel Participation at The Future of Financial Services Sydney Conference – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Sibos 2018 Conference – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Sibos 2018 Conference – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Sibos 2018 Conference – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Sibos 2018 Conference – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Sibos 2018 Conference – Sydney

Remarks at the 2018 ISDA Annual Australia Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at the Risk Australia 2018 Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at the Forum on Central Banking, hosted by the ECB – Portugal

Panel participation at the ASIC Annual Forum 2018 – Sydney


Panel participation at the Women in Payments Symposium – Sydney

Remarks at the Australian Shareholders Association – Sydney

Panel participation at the 9th Annual Australian & New Zealand Investment Conference – Sydney

Speech on the FX Global Code of conduct – Hong Kong

Panel participation at the Where to from here? - Briefing hosted by Lander & Rogers and Westpac – Sydney

Remarks at a Workshop at King & Wood Mallesons – Sydney

Panel Participation at the Risk Australia 2017 Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at the Women in Economics panel at the Australian Conference of Economists – Sydney

Panel participation by Tony Richards, Head of Payments Policy, at the Australian Retail Banking Summit 2017

Interview with Guy Debelle on the FX Global Code Launch at the GFMA – London

Panel Discussion of the FX Global Code at the GFMA Global FX Division – London

Panel Participation at the Launch of the FX Global Code, FX Week – London

Remarks and panel participation at the Bloomberg Voices event – Sydney

Remarks and panel participation at the Australian Business Economists (ABE) Forecasting Conference – Sydney


Panel participation at the Risk Australia Conference – Sydney

Panel participation at the 2016 FMA Asia/Pacific Conference – Sydney

Remarks and panel participation at a Thomson Reuters industry event - Examining the FX Code of Conduct (Phase One) – Sydney

Remarks at the Sydney Harcourt Visiting Professorship event, hosted by the University of Adelaide – Sydney

Panel participation at the Centre for International Finance and Regulation (CIFR) Research Showcase: Banking – Sydney

Panel participation at the ACI FMA America panel discussion on the BIS Code – New York

Remarks at the Profit & Loss Forex Network Conference – New York

Remarks at the Trans-Tasman Business Circle boardroom briefing – Sydney

The Global Code of Conduct for the Foreign Exchange Market – Jakarta

Panel participation at the ASIC Annual Forum 2016 – Sydney


  • Q&A Transcript
  • Q&A Transcript
  • Address to the Australian Financial Markets Report Launch – Sydney

    Briefing on FX Global Code of Conduct – London

    Panel participation at the Risk Australia 2015 Conference – Sydney

    Address to the Boao Forum for Asia Financial Cooperation Conference – Sydney

    Panel participation at the Global Investor/ISF Australia Securities Finance Masterclass – Sydney

    Panel participation by Guy Debelle, Assistant Governor (Financial Markets), at the Forex Network, London

    Remarks to ASIC Annual Forum 2015 – Sydney


    Remarks to the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Panel Roundtable – Sydney

    Remarks to the Small to Medium Enterprise/Small Business Conference – Melbourne

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Thomson Reuters FX Benchmark Event – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Australian Banking and Finance (AB+F) Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) Conference 2014, Sydney

    Appearance before the Parliamentary Joint Committee On Law Enforcement Inquiry into financial related crime – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Risk Australia Conference – Sydney

    Panel participation at the 2nd Latin America Australia Investors Forum – Sydney

    Panel participation at the Centre for International Finance and Regulation (CIFR) Market and Regulatory Performance Stream Symposium – Sydney

    Panel moderation at the G20 Conference: Strengthening the G20's Accountability and Effectiveness – Melbourne

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Thomson Reuters' 2nd Australian Regulatory Summit – Sydney

    Remarks at the Women in Banking and Finance (WIBF) Business Series Lunch – Sydney

    Remarks by Glenn Stevens, Governor, to a panel discussion at the 17th Annual Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference, Hong Kong

    Remarks to the CIFR Financial Market Developments – Sydney


    Remarks at the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) Financial Services Conference 2013, Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Risk Australia 2013 Conference – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the MFAA Industry Leaders Panel Forum/Lunch – Adelaide


    Remarks to a panel discussion at the 25th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference – Sydney

    Address to the Mobile and Contactless Payments Australia Conference 2012 – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Deeper Insights Series Forum 2012, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Risk & Return Australia Conference 2012 – Sydney

    Appearance before the Senate Economics References Committee Inquiry into the Post-Global Financial Crisis Banking Sector – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Australian Economic Forum 2012 – Sydney

    The Euro Crisis and the Financial System – Sydney

    Remarks to a panel discussion at the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia Industry and Leaders Panel Forum – Adelaide

    Strategic Review of Innovation in the Payments System – Sydney

    The Australian Economy: Some Perspectives – Brisbane

    Remarks to the Morgan Stanley Global Macro Investment Conference – Sydney

    Panel Discussion, ASIC Summer School 2012 – Sydney


    Strategic Review of Innovation in the Payments System

    Innovation in the Payments System


    Address to the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia's Breakfast Seminar – Sydney

    Appearance before the Senate Inquiry into Access of Small Business to Finance – Sydney

    Australian Markets and Continued Changes Over the Past 12 Months – Melbourne

    Address to Cards and Payments Australasia 2010 – Sydney

    Implications of the Global Regulatory Reform Agenda for Australia:
    What do Australasian regulators say?
    – Melbourne



    Presentation to APCA's CECS Advisory Council: Update on Payments System Reforms

    Presentation to Australian Smart Cards Summit 2008: Update on Payments System Reforms

    Presentation to Commonwealth Bank of Australia Merchant Forums (Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney)

    Presentation to Cards & Payments Australasia: Reviewing Australia's Payments System Reforms – A Progress Report


    Presentation to Indue Limited 2007 Church Funds & Charities Summit: Trends in the Australian Payments System

    Presentation to Banktech07 – 8th Annual Banking Technology Summit 2007: Review of Payments System Reforms

    Presentation to Australian Smart Cards Summit 2007: Review of Payments System Reforms

    Presentation to Cards and Payments Australasia: Current Issues in the Australia Payments System


    Presentation to Australian Bankers' Association and Australian Payments Clearing Association Forum on Payment Systems Evolution: Where to From Here? – Sydney














    Australia and the World Economy – Brisbane


    Aspects of Growth – Melbourne

    Getting the Economy Going – Melbourne

    Foreign Banks in Australia – Policy Issues and Prospects – Sydney

    Some Observations on the Economic and Banking Scenes – Townsville

    Changes in the Payments System: Emerging Issues – Sydney


    Some Observations on the Role of the Reserve Bank – Sydney

    Talk by the Governor – Canberra

    Who'd be a Central Banker? – Brisbane

    Windows of Opportunity - Economic Growth Fiscal '92 – Brisbane

    Opportunity Knocks – Sydney

    The Reserve Bank's View of Securitisation – Sydney

    Payments Systems - Some Issues from the Consumer Perspective – Sydney

    Fire, the Wheel and Central Banking – Sydney

    Directions for Prudential Supervision in the 1990s – Sydney

    Banking in the Nineties – Challenges Ahead – Sydney

    Greater Regional Cooperation: Possibilities and Problems – Singapore

    A Decade to Remember – Perth

    Some Comments on the Economy, Deregulation and Housing – Sydney


    Some Lessons from the Eighties – Sydney

    Monetary Policy and the Banks – Hobart

    Decisions: Decisions! – Sydney

    Understanding Australia's Foreign Debt and the Solutions – Sydney

    Australia in the 1980s – Some Passing Thoughts – Armidale

    When the Music Stops – Melbourne

    Contributing to Regional and Global Economic Growth – Melbourne

    Aspects of the Reserve Bank's Supervisory Function – Sydney

    Inflation – Canberra

    Credit and Debt: Part II – Sydney

    What Price Money? – Sydney

    Some Aspects of Australia's Foreign Debt – Wagga Wagga

    Financial Deregulation and the Rural Economy – Wagga Wagga

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