Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1976 Financial Statements Aggregate Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 1976

Liabilities 1976 1975
Capital 49,428 49,428
Reserves Funds 19,919 18,769
Special Reserve – International Monetary Fund special drawing rights (Note 1) 200,602 206,982
Australian notes on issue 2,921,408 2,545,103
Deposits by
Trading banks – Statutory Reserve Deposits 779,725 417,895
– Term and Farm Development Loan Funds 55,292 27,869
– Other 19,378 9,922
Savings banks 1,053,900 908,038
Overseas institutions (Note 9) 155,084 152,947
Governments and government instrumentalities
– Commonwealth 747,650 1,104,331
– State 125,484 135,182
Other (Note 9) 30,238 41,849
Other liabilities (including amounts provided for contingencies) 211,958 106,507
Total 6,370,766 5,724,822