Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1976 Financial Statements Balance Sheets - Central Banking Business

As at 30 June 1976

Liabilities 1976 1975
Capital 40,000 40,000
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund 5,568 5,568
Special Reserve – International Monetary Fund special drawing rights (Note 1) 200,602 206,982
Deposits by
Trading banks – Statutory Reserve Deposits 779,725 417,895
– Term and Farm Development Loan Funds 55,292 27,869
– Other 19,378 9,922
Savings banks 1,053,900 908,038
Overseas institutions (Note 9) 155,084 152,947
Governments and government instrumentalities
– Commonwealth 747,650 1,104,331
– State 125,484 135,182
Note Issue Department 1,145,996 1,422,527
Other (Note 9) 20,615 34,900
Other liabilities (including amounts provided for contingencies) 92,020 47,969
Total 4,441,314 4,514,130

Note Issue Department

Liabilities 1976 1975
Australian Notes on Issue 2,921,408 2,545,103
Provision for Notes not presented (Note 11) 10,020 9,573
All other liabilities (including amounts provided for contingencies) 73,640 15,772
Total 3,005,068 2,570,448

Rural Credits Department

Liabilities 1976 1975
Capital 9,428 9,428
Rural Credits Department Reserve Fund 14,351 13,201
Balance due to Central Bank 111,081 140,619
Rural Credits Development Fund 1,360 1,142
All other liabilities (including amounts provided for contingencies) 45,241 39,000
Total 181,461 203,390
Assets 1976 1975
Gold (Note 2) 105,368 115,105
International Monetary Fund special drawing rights (Note 2) 37,176 89,287
Foreign exchange holdings (Note 2) 2,100,268 2,892,782
Australian government securities (Note 2)
Treasury bills 374,658
Treasury notes 6,441 10,404
Other Commonwealth securities 811,943 583,484
Loans, advances and bills discounted
Rural Credits Department 111,081 140,619
Other (Note 10) 477,186 236,936
Bank premises (Note 4) 53,423 50,039
Clearing items (remittances in transit, cheques and bills of other banks) 272,650 241,890
Other assets (Note 5) 48,570 36,534
Unfunded adjustments arising from fluctuations in exchange rates (Note 7) 42,550 117,050
Total 4,441,314 4,514,130

H.M. Knight, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board – 30 July 1976

Assets 1976 1975
Gold (Note 2) 133,684 122,847
Foreign exchange holdings (Note 2) 45,471 117,295
Australian government securities (Note 3)
Treasury bills 475,342
Treasury notes 8,172 11,104
Other Commonwealth securities 1,030,140 622,731
Deposit with Central Bank 1,145,996 1,422,527
Bank premises (Note 4) 3,040 2,619
Other assets 28,548 19,895
Unfunded adjustments arising from fluctuations in exchange rates (Note 7) 134,675 251,430
Total 3,005,068 2,570,448

H.M. Knight, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board – 30 July 1976

Assets 1976 1975
Australian government securities (Note 3)
Treasury bills
Treasury notes
Other Commonwealth securities
Loans, advances and bills discounted 181,461 203,390
Other assets
Total 181,461 203,390

H.M. Knight, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board – 30 July 1976