Corporate Plan 2023/24

The Corporate Plan is the Banks primary planning document for the period from 2023/24 to 2026/27. It sets out the Banks objectives, how we intend to achieve them, and the strategic priorities that we will work towards over the coming four years.
It has been prepared in accordance with section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Download the Corporate Plan PDF version 4.2MB

There were many challenges for the Reserve Bank of Australia in 2022/23. Inflation hit a 30-year high, leading the Reserve Bank Board to raise interest rates quickly and to their highest level in over a decade. The global banking industry experienced the most severe stress event since the global financial crisis – though, notably, the Australian financial system remained strong throughout. The payments sector saw rapid change as consumers continued to shift towards digital payments, innovative technologies emerged and new providers entered the market. Finally, a major outage of the Reserve Bank Information and Transfer System (RITS) in October 2022 compromised our ability to meet our payments system availability targets. Throughout all these challenges, the Banks highly capable staff adapted and responded with professionalism.
In April 2023, the report of the independent Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia was released. The Review made 51 recommendations that aim to build on the Banks existing strengths and enable it to deliver on its objectives in a changing world. I thank the Review Panel for its work.
Our strategic priorities for the next four years are largely founded on the recommendations of this Review, as well as a separate independent review into the RITS outage commissioned by the Payments System Board. In the coming four years, our focus will be on strengthening our monetary policy decision-making, improving the resilience of our nationally critical services and shaping the future of money in Australia. These external-facing strategic priorities will be facilitated by an internal focus on creating more agile processes and promoting high-quality leadership and an open and dynamic culture.
The Reserve Bank of Australias 2023/24 Corporate Plan covers the period from 2023/24 to 2026/27. It has been prepared in accordance with section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The accountable authority of the Reserve Bank of Australia is the Governor, Philip Lowe, who has authorised the publication of this Plan.
Michele Bullock
Reserve Bank of Australia
31 August 2023
About the Reserve Bank of Australia
Our purpose
Our objectives
To deliver on our purpose, the Reserve Bank has five key objectives:

Our operating environment
The operating environment we will face over the coming four years will be shaped by an array of issues – both external and internal. The factors we expect to be most material over the coming four years are discussed below.
- To address high inflation, monetary policy has been tightened quickly and substantially across the world, initially to withdraw the stimulatory settings introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and then to move policy into a restrictive stance.
- Consumer price inflation is declining but still too high, and core inflation has been persistent both globally and domestically. Long-term inflation expectations are currently stable; however, if they were to rise it would be costly to bring inflation back to target.
- The labour market is very tight. The unemployment rate is around a 50-year low and the share of the population with a job is at record levels. That said, tighter monetary policy to bring about a better balance of demand and supply in the economy is expected to see a modest rise in the unemployment rate.
- Climate change, and the actions taken in response (both in Australia and abroad), introduce both challenges and opportunities for Australias economy and financial system. Climate change is also likely to increase the variability of inflation and output.
- Productivity growth has been weak for some time. Persistently weak productivity would constrain future real wages and complicate monetary policy.
- Many households have high levels of debt. For some, the pace of increase in interest rates has created material financial pressure. Households and firms loan arrears are likely to rise, but from a very low level.
- There continues to be unusually high liquidity in the financial system, but this will decline as funds borrowed under the Banks Term Funding Facility (TFF) fall due and the Banks holdings of government bonds mature.
- Authorities globally are reviewing bank regulation, supervision and crisis-management arrangements, in response to stresses in parts of the international banking system.
- Cyber-attacks have become more regular, widespread and sophisticated.
- There is rapid innovation in the payments system. The nature of competition is also changing as large technology companies and fintechs offer new products and services.
- The Australian Government is modernising the regulatory framework for payments, including the Banks powers to regulate the system and its participants.
- Australians are shifting away from using cash for payments, putting pressure on distribution infrastructure. The government supports Australians having continued access to cash.
- The Payments System Board requested an external review of RITS, following a major outage in 2022. This resulted in a number of recommendations the Bank is committed to implementing.
- Payment system technology and standards are changing. RITS is adopting ISO 20022 to improve standardisation of messaging, and will update the technology used by members to access RITS.
- Australian government agencies will likely need to adapt their banking and payments processes and systems, in response to the evolution in payments technology and a broader transition away from cheques and direct entry payments using the Bulk Electronic Clearing System.
- The independent Review of the Reserve Bank contained 51 recommendations on how to strengthen the Bank and its policy-making processes. Many of these will require changes to the internal processes and structures of the Bank.
- The Reserve Bank Act 1959 is being revised in response to the recommendations of the Review. The revised legislation will provide for a third Reserve Bank board that will oversee the governance of the Bank. Putting this into effect will require significant change to our internal governance arrangements. (The Governance Board will be the accountable authority under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, replacing the Governor.)
- The Bank is undertaking a major refurbishment of its Head Office. This will upgrade base building infrastructure that is at end-of-life and create a safe, contemporary and flexible workplace for the future. The Bank will temporarily relocate its Head Office for the duration of this project.
- The tight labour market has increased the challenge of attracting and retaining staff, especially skilled technology workers. The mix of skills we require is also evolving, as is the nature of the qualifications and training available to recruit.
- The Bank intends that its workforce reflects the diversity of the community in which it operates. We have more work to do to achieve cultural and linguistic diversity.
- Our growing expenditure on technology reflects its role as a key enabler of Bank operations and the resilience risks we face. We are increasing our use of cloud services, automating technology management practices, continuing to mature our cybersecurity defences, and embarking on a four-year program to modernise our core network infrastructure to improve overall technology resilience and stability.

Our strategic priorities

Measuring our performance
This section outlines the key activities we will undertake to deliver on our objectives, and how we will measure and assess our performance.
Key objectives | Key activities | Performance measures and targets 2023/24 | Performance measures and targets 2024/25–2026/27 |
Price stability and full employment | Conduct monetary policy in a way that will best contribute to:
Flexible medium-term inflation target to achieve consumer price inflation of between 2 and 3 per cent, on average, over time. | As for 2023/24, subject to any changes from a new Statement on the Conduct of Monetary Policy. |
Foster sustainable growth in the economy. | As for 2023/24, subject to any changes from a new Statement on the Conduct of Monetary Policy. | ||
Achieve cash rate consistent with the Reserve Bank Boards target. | The cash rate is within the interest rate corridor around the cash rate target. The very high Exchange Settlement (ES) account balances mean the cash rate is likely to range between the target and the interest rate on ES balances. | As for 2023/24, subject to changes reflecting decisions by the Reserve Bank Board. | |
Provide adequate liquidity to the financial system. | Funding costs and access to liquidity are appropriate to achieve our goals. | As for 2023/24. | |
Manage reserves to portfolio benchmarks. | Reserves portfolio managed within permitted deviations around benchmarks for interest rate and currency risks. | As for 2023/24, with benchmarks subject to periodic review. | |
Intervene in foreign exchange market as appropriate. | Publish data and explanations of any intervention. | As for 2023/24. | |
The stability of the financial system | Support overall financial system stability. | A stable financial system that is able to support the economy. Work with CFR agencies and international bodies to identify and appropriately address evolving systemic risks. Assess and communicate risks to financial system stability, including through the half-yearly Financial Stability Review. |
As for 2023/24. |
A secure, stable and efficient payments system | Strengthen the safety and resilience of payments and market infrastructures. | Market infrastructures prioritise the management of aging infrastructure and
adopt replacements and upgrades in a safe manner. A risk-based framework exists for the oversight of key retail payment systems. |
Established a policy position and guidance around outsourcing and vendor
management for payments and market infrastructures. Payments and market infrastructures further uplift their cyber resilience with clearly defined strategies and rigorous testing programs. |
Advance and implement reforms for payments and market infrastructures. | Assist the Australian Government to prepare draft legislation for regulating payments and market infrastructures. | Frameworks exist for using new supervisory and resolution powers for market
infrastructures. Retail payments regulation comprehensively reviewed under a modernised Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998. |
Promote competitive, cost-effective and accessible electronic payments. | Reduced payment costs for small business through industry delivering
merchant choice of debit card network. Industry delivers and promotes additional fast payment capabilities to end users. |
Retail payments statistics collection modernised and published by the Bank to reflect new technologies and business models. | |
Enhance cross-border payments. | Explore interlinking the New Payments Platform (NPP) to fast payment systems in other jurisdictions. | Contribute to implementing the G20 Roadmap to enhance cross-border payments. | |
Align the Banks regulatory framework for payments and market infrastructures to the Australian Governments principles of regulator best practice. | Actively engage with stakeholders and conduct research to understand
emerging issues affecting the environment in which regulated entities
operate. Regulatory requirements are streamlined, proportionate to risks and coordinated with other regulators. Build capability in data analysis to efficiently monitor compliance. Communicate with regulated entities in a timely, clear and consistent way, including on regulatory priorities. |
As for 2023/24. | |
Preserve the operational reliability and cybersecurity of RITS. | RITS availability at 99.95 per cent during core hours. | As for 2023/24. | |
RITS Fast Settlement Service availability at 99.995 per cent on a
24/7 basis, with most transactions
processed in less than one second. Continue to enhance the Banks back-office systems to support the industrys full migration to ISO 20022-based messaging by the end of 2024. |
As for 2023/24. | ||
Ongoing investment and regular reviews and testing to support cyber resilience. In 2023/24, this will include an industry cyber exercise. | As for 2023/24. | ||
Develop plans to implement the recommendations of the external review of the RITS operating environment and address gaps identified in the Targeted Assessment of RITS. | Implement plans to strengthen the RITS operating environment and address gaps. | ||
The delivery of efficient and effective banking services to Australian government agencies | Provide banking services that are fit for purpose. | Maintain and enhance banking services provided to Australian government agencies. | As for 2023/24. |
Satisfy financial performance benchmarks. | Minimum return on capital for transactional banking business equivalent to the yield on 10-year Australian Government Securities plus a margin for risk. | As for 2023/24. | |
Progress on activities to deliver convenient, secure, reliable and cost-effective banking services to customers. | Provision of high-quality, cost-effective banking services to government and other official agency customers and, in turn, the public, including: | As for 2023/24. | |
– delivery of enhanced cross-border and domestic high-value ISO 20022-based messaging capabilities and the ability to receive the final domestic leg of cross-border payments across the NPP | Ongoing development of banking services and systems, including NPP capabilities and ISO 20022-based messaging standards. | ||
– supporting agency customers to migrate payments from legacy payment systems to new systems | As for 2023/24. | ||
– IT systems and infrastructure supporting our banking services and products are secure, resilient, efficient and fit for purpose | As for 2023/24. | ||
– implementing new supplier arrangements for card acquiring and payments gateway. | Renewal of third-party supplier arrangements to enable innovation and align with key service objectives. | ||
The provision of secure and reliable banknotes | Ensure Australian banknotes provide a safe, secure and reliable means of payment and store of value, as follows: | Maintain public confidence in Australian banknotes, as measured in the Reserve Bank Online Banknotes Survey. | As for 2023/24. |
– meet banknote demand | More than 95 per cent of banknote orders from commercial banks fulfilled by the Bank within three days of request. | As for 2023/24. | |
– maintain the security, durability and cost effectiveness of Australian banknotes | Evaluate and develop security features that could be deployed on Australian banknotes (including options as part of redesign of the $5 banknote) to combat counterfeiting threats, extend circulation life and/or reduce production costs. | As for 2023/24. | |
– maintain high-quality banknotes. | Banknote production orders by the Bank to be supplied by Note Printing Australia Limited within agreed quality parameters. | As for 2023/24. | |
Maintain quality of banknotes in circulation above the minimum quality standard agreed with industry. | As for 2023/24. |
Risk oversight and management
The Reserve Bank cannot achieve its objectives without clear and effective management of risk.
Risk and Compliance Management Framework
The Banks Risk and Compliance Management Framework (RCMF) is the primary way we ensure risk and compliance activities are appropriately managed to support our objectives. Key elements of the framework include:
The Risk Management Committee:
- Has oversight of risk management, meets at least six times per year and provides reports to the Executive Committee and the Reserve Bank Board Audit Committee.
- Reviews actions, controls and mitigation strategies for risks reported that are outside target.
- Accepts risks where appropriate.
The Risk and Compliance Department:
- Supports the application of the RCMF.
- Monitors and reports on risks related to our operations in financial markets (market, exchange rate, credit and liquidity) and our overall risk profile.
Management (risk owners):
- Evaluate risk, put in place appropriate controls, assign ownership of risks and controls, and monitor the effectiveness of those controls.
- Report incidents when something goes wrong and the impact is outside our risk tolerance.
- Escalate risks outside of target to the Risk Management Committee.
Key risks
A summary of the key risks we are required to manage, and the approach we take to mitigate them, is shown below. These risks are often ones where more work is required to ensure these are managed within risk appetite.
Key strategic risks and opportunities | Approach to managing |
A focus on external review and other initiatives (including major renovations to the Head Office and core IT infrastructure renewal) could lead to deprioritisation of other strategically important issues. | Align our workplans, both in response to recent reviews and more generally, to our strategic priorities and suitably resource them. |
Risk to the physical security of our people and assets. | Provide appropriate security at various sites. |
High inflation, rapid interest rate rises and high household indebtedness creates a challenging environment for monetary policy. There is a risk of tightening policy either too much (causing unemployment to rise excessively) or too little (causing inflation to stay persistently high). | Enhance monetary policy decision-making processes. |
An increasingly complex and fast-changing external context, including the heightened risk of cyber-attack, opens the possibility of unplanned outages in the payments system. | Strengthen the operational resilience of critical national infrastructure services and improve our ability to respond to adverse events. |
Rapid changes in the payments landscape, including the successful adoption of CBDCs in other jurisdictions, could see Australias payments system falling short of expectations and failing to meet the evolving needs of end users. | Invest in understanding the case for CBDCs to equip us to implement any solution that best meets Australias needs. |
We face emerging opportunities and risks presented by the rapidly evolving external landscape, and must address these while operating within resource constraints. In other areas, we need to avoid missing opportunities by being too risk averse. | Simplify our decision-making while ensuring it is consistent with our risk appetite and supported by strong strategic oversight; harness data and technology to support this. |
To achieve our objectives, we need to be able to attract and retain quality staff, and support them to deliver their best. | Enhance organisational culture and leadership. |
We also need to manage the following routine risks (these are managed within the RCMF described above):
- The value of our assets can be affected by changes in interest rates, exchange rates, credit quality and liquidity conditions.
- Our staff and other workers are exposed to potential work health and safety issues in the course of their duties.
- We manage a range of confidential, personal and sensitive information. Loss or inadvertent disclosure of this information would impair our ability to function effectively and possibly constitute a breach of our legal responsibilities.