Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 2023 5.1 Statutory Reporting Requirements Index

The Reserve Bank Annual Report 2022/23 complies with the reporting requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), rules made under the PGPA Act and other applicable legislation.

To assist readers locate this information, the index of statutory reporting requirements identifies where relevant information can be found in this annual report.

PGPA Act Rule References
PGPA Rule Reference Part of Report, page number Description Requirement
17BE Contents of annual report
17BE(a) Governance and Accountability, 11 Details of the legislation establishing the body Mandatory
17BE(b)(i) Our Role, 7–10 A summary of the objects and functions of the entity as set out in legislation Mandatory
17BE(b)(ii) Annual Performance Statement for 2022/23, 59–74 The purposes of the entity as included in the entity’s corporate plan for the reporting period Mandatory
17BE(c) Governance and Accountability, 22 The names of the persons holding the position of responsible Minister or responsible Ministers during the reporting period, and the titles of those responsible Ministers Mandatory
17BE(d) Governance and Accountability, 24 Directions given to the entity by the Minister under an Act or instrument during the reporting period If applicable, mandatory
17BE(e) Governance and Accountability, 24 Any government policy order that applied in relation to the entity during the reporting period under section 22 of the Act If applicable, mandatory
17BE(f) Not applicable Particulars of non-compliance with:
  1. a direction given to the entity by the Minister under an Act or instrument during the reporting period; or
  2. a government policy order that applied in relation to the entity during the reporting period under section 22 of the Act
If applicable, mandatory
17BE(g) Annual Performance Statement for 2022/23, 59–74 Annual performance statements in accordance with paragraph 39(1)(b) of the Act and section 16F of the rule Mandatory
Governance and Accountability, 24 A statement of significant issues reported to the Minister under paragraph 19(1)(e) of the Act that relates to non-compliance with finance law and action taken to remedy non-compliance If applicable, mandatory
17BE(j) Governance and Accountability, 11 Information on the accountable authority, or each member of the accountable authority, of the entity during the reporting period Mandatory
17BE(k) Operational Structure, 49-56 Outline of the organisational structure of the entity (including any subsidiaries of the entity) Mandatory
17BE(ka) Our People, 153 Statistics on the entity’s employees on an ongoing and non-ongoing basis, including the following:
  1. statistics on full-time employees;
  2. statistics on part-time employees;
  3. statistics on gender;
  4. statistics on staff location
17BE(l) Management of the Reserve Bank, 145–146 Outline of the location (whether or not in Australia) of major activities or facilities of the entity Mandatory
17BE(m) Governance and Accountability, 11–24 Information relating to the main corporate governance practices used by the entity during the reporting period Mandatory
Governance and Accountability, 24 For transactions with a related Commonwealth entity or related company where the value of the transaction, or if there is more than one transaction, the aggregate of those transactions, is more than $10,000 (inclusive of GST):
  1. the decision-making process undertaken by the accountable authority to approve the entity paying for a good or service from, or providing a grant to, the related Commonwealth entity or related company; and
  2. the value of the transaction, or if there is more than one transaction, the number of transactions and the aggregate of value of the transactions
If applicable, mandatory
17BE(p) Governance and Accountability, 24 Any significant activities and changes that affected the operation or structure of the entity during the reporting period If applicable, mandatory
17BE(q) Governance and Accountability, 24 Particulars of judicial decisions or decisions of administrative tribunals that may have a significant effect on the operations of the entity If applicable, mandatory
17BE(r) Governance and Accountability, 24 Particulars of any reports on the entity given by:
  1. the Auditor-General (other than a report under section 43 of the Act); or
  2. a Parliamentary Committee; or
  3. the Commonwealth Ombudsman; or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
If applicable, mandatory
17BE(s) Not applicable An explanation of information not obtained from a subsidiary of the entity and the effect of not having the information on the annual report If applicable, mandatory
17BE(t) Governance and Accountability, 21-22 Details of any indemnity that applied during the reporting period to the accountable authority, any member of the accountable authority or officer of the entity against a liability (including premiums paid, or agreed to be paid, for insurance against the authority, member or officer’s liability for legal costs) If applicable, mandatory
17BE(taa) Governance and Accountability, 13–15, Reserve Bank Board, 33–39 and Our People 160–162 The following information about the audit committee for the entity:
  1. a direct electronic address of the charter determining the functions of the audit committee;
  2. the name of each member of the audit committee;
  3. the qualifications, knowledge, skills or experience of each member of the audit committee;
  4. information about each member’s attendance at meetings of the audit committee;
  5. the remuneration of each member of the audit committee
17BE(ta) Our People, 163–165 Information about executive remuneration Mandatory
17BF Disclosure requirements for government business enterprises 17BF
17BF(1)(a)(i) Not applicable An assessment of significant changes in the entity’s overall financial structure and financial conditions If applicable, mandatory
17BF(1)(a)(ii) Not applicable An assessment of any events or risks that could cause financial information that is reported not to be indicative of future operations or financial conditions If applicable, mandatory
17BF(1)(b) Not applicable Information on dividends paid or recommended If applicable, mandatory
17BF(1)(c) Not applicable Details of any community service obligations the government business enterprise has including:
  1. an outline of actions taken to fulfil those obligations; and
  2. an assessment of the cost of fulfilling those obligations
If applicable, mandatory
17BF(2) Not applicable A statement regarding the exclusion of information on the grounds that the information is commercially sensitive and would be likely to result in unreasonable commercial prejudice to the government business enterprise If applicable, mandatory
Legislative References
Legislative Reference Part of Report, page number Description Requirement
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
43(4) Financial Statements, 189–238 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor-General’s report Mandatory
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Schedule 2 Part 4
4(2)(a) Our People, 157–158 Health, safety and welfare initiatives Mandatory
4(2)(b) Our People, 157–158 Health and safety outcomes Mandatory
4(2)(c) Our People, 158 Statistics of notifiable incidents Mandatory
4(2)(d) Our People, 158 Investigations conducted Mandatory
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
516A(6)(a) Management of the Reserve Bank, 146–149 Report on implementation of ecologically sustainable development principles Mandatory
516A(6)(b) Not applicable. Identify how any outcomes specified for the Reserve Bank in an Appropriations Act contribute to ecologically sustainable development Mandatory
516A(6)(c) Management of the Reserve Bank, 146–149 Effect of the Reserve Bank’s activities on the environment Mandatory
516A(6)(d) Management of the Reserve Bank, 146–149 Measures to minimise the impact of the Reserve Bank’s activities Mandatory
516A(6)(e) Management of the Reserve Bank, 146–149 Mechanisms for reviewing/increasing effectiveness of measures Mandatory
Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987
9 Our People, 151–159 Report on development and implementation of the Bank’s equal employment opportunity program Mandatory