RDP 2018-07: The GFC Investment Tax Break Appendix D: Other Small Business Tax Policies

Table D1: Other Small Business Tax Policies
Policy Eligibility dependent upon small business status? In force at the same time as investment tax break?
Capital gains concessions No, businesses could qualify via $6m net asset value threshold In force prior to and including investment tax break period
Accelerated depreciation for assets < $1,000 Yes In force prior to and including investment tax break period
Entrepreneurs tax offset No, requires revenue < $75K In force prior to and including investment tax break period
GST exemption No, requires revenue < $75K In force prior to and including investment tax break period
Reduction in intra-year tax instalments: 20% reduction in PAYG instalments for December quarter 2008 and CPI growth rate for PAYG and GST instalments during 2009/10 No, businesses could qualify via assessable income (profit) < $2m Yes