RDP 2003-02: Do Collective Action Clauses Influence Bond Yields? New Evidence from Emerging Markets References

Becker T, AJ Richards and Y Thaicharoen (forthcoming), ‘Bond Restructuring and Moral Hazard: Are Collective Action Clauses Costly?’, Journal of International Economics. An earlier version appeared as IMF Working Paper No 01/92.

Boorman J (2003), Remarks in a Panel Discussion at International Monetary Fund Conference, ‘Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism (SDRM)’, Washington, DC, 22 January, available at <http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2003/tr030122.htm>.

Chamberlin MM (2002), ‘Remarks Regarding Sovereign Debt Contracts: What Do We Need to Change?’, paper presented at Institute for International Finance Conference, ‘Can We Break the Crisis Cycle for Emerging Markets?’, London, 17 October.

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IMF (International Monetary Fund) (2002), ‘The Design and Effectiveness of Collective Action Clauses’, Washington DC, June.

IMF (2003), ‘IMF Board Discusses Possible Features of A Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism’, Public Information Notice (PIN) No 03/06, Washington DC, 7 January.

Petas P and R Rahman (1999), ‘Sovereign Bonds – Legal Aspects that Affect Default and Recovery’, Deutsche Bank Global Emerging Markets – Debt Strategy, May, pp 59–78.

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