RDP 8703: Money Demand, Own Interest Rates and Deregulation Appendix C: Data Sources

M1 = currency plus current deposits with all trading banks; unadjusted, 3 month average over quarter.

Source: Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin Database as at August 1986 (see Table A1 of Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Bulletin).
M3 = currency plus bank deposits of the private non-bank sector; unadjusted, 3 month average over quarter.

Source: RBA Bulletin Database as at November 1986 (see Table A1 of RBA Bulletin).
Broad Money = M3 plus borrowings from private sector by Non-Bank Financial Institutions less the latter's holdings of currency and bank deposits; unadjusted, 3 month average over quarter.

Source: RBA Bulletin Database as at November 1986 (see Table A1 of RBA Bulletin).
R = Two year Treasury Bond yield, 3 month average over quarter.

Source: Bulletin Database as at August 1986 (see Table J2 of RBA Bulletin).
RBM = Broad Money own rate: quarterly average of monthly weighted average of interest rates on broad money assets.
RM3 = M3 own rate: quarterly monthly weighted average of interest rates on M3 assets. Notes on calculation of RBM and RM3 in Appendix D. (All interest rates normalised by dividing by 100.)
Y = Gross Domestic Product, current price, unadjusted series.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Quarterly Estimates, June 1986.
P = Gross National Expenditure deflator.