Schedule of All Releases

Data produced by the Reserve Bank will generally be available at 11.30 am, released in accordance with a published schedule. Data produced by other organisations will generally be updated on this website at 11.30 am one day after their release. On public holidays, statistics will be generally published on the next business day.

Week commencing 29 July 2024
  Date Time (AEST)
Open Market Operations - Current - A3 Weekdays 3.00 pm
Exchange Rates Weekdays After 4.00 pm
Exchange Rates - Daily - 2023 to Current - F11.1 Weekdays After 4.00 pm
Financial Aggregates Wednesday, 31 Jul 11.30 am
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates - D1 Wednesday, 31 Jul 11.30 am
Lending and Credit Aggregates - D2 Wednesday, 31 Jul 11.30 am
Monetary Aggregates - D3 Wednesday, 31 Jul 11.30 am
Bank Lending Classified by Sector - D5 Wednesday, 31 Jul 11.30 am
Exchange Rates - Monthly - F11 Wednesday, 31 Jul After 4.00 pm
International Reserves & Foreign Currency Liquidity Wednesday, 31 Jul 4.30 pm
Securities Lending Repurchase and Switch Transactions in Australian Government Securities and Semis - A3.2 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Banknotes on Issue by Denomination - A6 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) - Central Bank Survey - D11 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) - Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions Survey - D12 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) - Consolidated Survey - D13 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Holdings of Australian Government Securities and Semis - A3.1 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Real Exchange Rate Measures - F15 Thursday, 1 Aug 11.30 am
Index of Commodity Prices Thursday, 1 Aug 4.30 pm
Commodity Prices - I2 Thursday, 1 Aug 4.30 pm
Real-time Gross Settlement Statistics - C7 Friday, 2 Aug 11.30 am
RBA Balance Sheet - A1 Friday, 2 Aug 4.30 pm
Reserve Bank of Australia Balance Sheet Friday, 2 Aug 4.30 pm
† Except Public Holidays.
* This Release is issued every week at this time.

Over Next Few Months

The following releases are expected during the next few months. Any changes will be notified as far as possible in the weekly schedule. Details of forthcoming speeches and other events can be found under ‘Coming Up’ on the Bank's home page.

Releases Expected
Release Frequency Time Jul
Index of Commodity Prices Monthly 4.30 pm Released 1 2 1
Chart Pack Variable(a) 11.30 am 7 25
Retail Payments Monthly 11.30 am Released 7 9 8
Official Reserve Assets Monthly 4.30 pm Released 8 6 8
Minutes of Monetary Policy Meeting Variable(b) 11.30 am Released 20 8
Financial Aggregates Monthly 11.30 am 31 30 30 31
International Reserves & Foreign Currency Liquidity Monthly 4.30 pm 31 30 30 31
Statement on Monetary Policy Quarterly 11.30 am 6
Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin Quarterly 11.30 am Released 17
Financial Stability Review Half-yearly 11.30 am 26
Weights for the TWI Yearly after 4.00 pm

(a) The Chart Pack is released the day after each Reserve Bank Board meeting.
(b) The Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting are released two weeks after each Reserve Bank Board meeting.

For enquiries about Reserve Bank of Australia publications please contact the Communications Department.