RDP 2013-11: Issues in Estimating New-Keynesian Phillips Curves in the Presence of Unknown Structural Change 3. A Simple Variant of the Solution Algorithm

Kulish and Pagan (2012) set out an algorithm that can be used to compute solutions to a system in which there are changes in structural parameters that are potentially foreseen. It has more general application than the context we are working with here, so we provide a simplified discussion of its workings to highlight some of its significant features.

The system we consider has the format:

where zt is a vector of n (=3) variables (πt, xt, rt), ct are the intercepts in the equations, and εt are identically and independently distributed (iid) (0,σ2) shocks. It is necessary to allow agents to have different beliefs about the timing of any breaks than is the case in reality. To study the effects of mean breaks we assume that agents always know the true shocks and the parameters A and B of the system, and that their beliefs may only be incorrect about ct. Agents will be assumed to believe that the intercepts of the three equations at time t have the values Inline Equation rather than ct. Then agents solve the system in Equation (4) (with Inline Equation replacing ct) to form their expectations Inline Equation, where the ‘a’ indexes the agent's beliefs. Those expectations will then determine the actual outcomes of the system, i.e. the observed variables will be consistent with:

We adopt the Binder and Pesaran (1995) solution method to solve the system. Briefly, this involves converting Equation (4) into a purely forward-looking form, solving that, and then recovering the solution to the original system. In the case that agents believe that the economy is described by Equation (4), with Inline Equation the solution method comes down to solving

where Zt = ztPzt−1, S = (IBP)−1B, Q = (IBP)−1T and P is chosen such that (A+BP2P) = 0. Because shocks are iid, the solution will be

Now we can write the complete solution in one of two forms – either


In the first case, agents compute the weights to be applied to zt−1 from what they believe the data-generating process (DGP) for the macroeconomic variables is, i.e. actual past outcomes are used in forming expectations. In the second, they solve for the complete path that they would have expected if the DGP was from the model compatible with their beliefs. The former seems more reasonable as the latter implies that agents persist in believing in a path even when they can observe persistent departures from it. Up until the break there will be no difference, but thereafter, unless the agents know exactly when the break occurs, there will be a systematic difference between zt−1 and Inline Equation, since zt will adjust to the structural changes when they happen. In ‘control’ jargon the path Inline Equation is often called the ‘open loop controller’ while that based on zt−1 is the ‘closed loop controller’. Our algorithm will allow for expectations formation based on either zt−1 or Inline Equation.

In the first case, expectations formation would follow

and the values of zt that are generated by the model economy will then be

The solution for the second case is analogous to this.