RDP 8909: Optimal Wage Indexation, Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate Regime Appendix 3: Calculating the Variance of Θ

Linearizing by a Taylor expansion around the estimated values of the parameters and variances reveals that


A = β41β3,
B = β4β2 + β1(α + 1),
C = (1+ε)σ2u + εσ2x,
D = 4β2)22ξ + σ2υ) + β242κ + σ2s) + β212δ + σ2τ),
E = A2,
F = C − σ2x,
Z = (D + EF)−1.

Calculation of σ2A … σ2F requires knowledge of the variances of ε, β2, β3 and β4, which are not estimated. However, the variances of γ, π1, π2 and π5 are estimated, and the necessary variances can be approximated by using the “Delta method” (De Groot (1986), pp 429–430) viz. for a random variable x,


Inline Equation = Inline Equation
Inline Equation = Inline Equation
Inline Equation = Inline Equation
Inline Equation = Inline Equation
Inline Equation = Inline Equation
Inline Equation = Inline Equation