RDP 2002-07: An Exploration of Marginal Attachment to the Australian Labour Market Appendix E: Multinomial Logit Estimates of Transition Probabilities, Unemployed and Marginally Attached

Table E1: Multinomial Logit Estimates of 12-month Transitions from Unemployment
  Employed Marginally attached Other NILF
Age 0.061 (0.023)* −0.006 (0.044) −0.031 (0.039)
Age squared −0.001 (0.000)* 0.000 (0.000) 0.001 (0.001)
Degree or diploma qualification 0.414 (0.156)* 0.215 (0.305) 0.510 (0.280)
Vocational qualification 0.242 (0.132) −0.195 (0.277) 0.578 (0.236)*
Incomplete secondary −0.298 (0.112)* 0.103 (0.217) 0.152 (0.212)
ESB migrant 0.227 (0.152) 0.638 (0.258)* −0.066 (0.263)
NESB migrant −0.367 (0.129)* 0.086 (0.234) −0.149 (0.211)
Year of arrival in Australia −0.487 (0.169)* −0.152 (0.291) 0.156 (0.270)
Male −0.195 (0.309) −0.081 (0.620) −0.358 (0.520)
Male × couple family 0.122 (0.129) 0.195 (0.292) −0.060 (0.233)
Male × dependent children 0.010 (0.123) −0.421 (0.289) −0.290 (0.235)
Male × local unemployment rate −0.029 (0.016) −0.007 (0.038) −0.022 (0.031)
Female × couple family 0.218 (0.134) 0.671 (0.223)* 0.456 (0.207)*
Female × dependent children −0.339 (0.135)* 0.148 (0.221) −0.204 (0.206)
Female × local unemployment rate −0.043 (0.020)* 0.024 (0.031) −0.027 (0.030)
Younger × has a disability −0.411 (0.105)* 0.187 (0.200) 0.425 (0.176)*
Older × has a disability −0.598 (0.177)* 0.121 (0.293) 0.382 (0.240)
Constant 0.179 (0.433) −2.241 (0.814)* −1.186 (0.726)
Number of observations = 3,012
LR chi2(51) = 331.01
Pseudo R2 = 0.050
Log likelihood = −3,180.2

Notes: Standard errors are presented in parentheses and * indicates significance at the 5 per cent level.

Table E2: Multinomial Logit Estimates of 12-month Transitions from Marginal Attachment
  Employed Marginally attached
Age 0.173 (0.096) 0.086 (0.080)
Age squared −0.003 (0.001)* −0.001 (0.001)
Degree or diploma qualification 0.645 (0.652) 0.458 (0.612)
Vocational qualification −0.979 (0.581) −0.359 (0.499)
Incomplete secondary −0.424 (0.452) 0.382 (0.414)
ESB migrant −0.379 (0.626) 0.187 (0.506)
NESB migrant −0.132 (0.637) 0.375 (0.549)
Year of arrival in Australia −0.871 (0.683) −1.011 (0.568)
Male −1.287 (1.248) 0.767 (1.113)
Male × couple family 0.539 (0.609) −0.122 (0.541)
Male × dependent children −0.106 (0.608) 0.726 (0.559)
Male × local unemployment rate −0.058 (0.079) −0.133 (0.072)
Female × couple family −0.191 (0.439) 0.233 (0.382)
Female × dependent children −0.856 (0.477) 0.017 (0.426)
Female × local unemployment rate −0.065 (0.063) 0.025 (0.053)
Younger × has a disability 0.094 (0.432) 0.463 (0.374)
Older × has a disability 2.331 (0.885)* 1.514 (0.750)*
Constant −0.029 (1.616) −1.136 (1.387)
Number of observations = 422
LR chi2(34) = 81
Pseudo R2 = 0.102
Log likelihood = −360
Notes: Standard errors are presented in parentheses and * indicates significance at the 5 per cent level.