RDP 8302: Economic Forecasts and their Assessment References

Artis, M.J. “Why do Forecasts Differ?” Paper presented to the Panel of Academic Consultants No. 17. Bank of England. February 1982.

Carlson, J.A. “A Study of Price Forecasts” Annals of Economic and Social Measurement Winter 1977.

Caton, C. “The NIF Model – An Outsider's View from a Former Insider” Paper presented at Conference on NIF-10. Canberra. October 1982.

Christ, C.F. “Judging the Performance of Econometric Models of the US Economy”, International Economic Review, February 1975.

Cooper, R.L. “The Predictive Performance of Quarterly Econometric Models of the United States” in Economic Models of Cyclical Behaviour, ed. Bert G. Hickman, NBER, N.Y. 1972.

Daub, M. “The Accuracy of Canadian Short-Term Forecasts Revisted” Canadian Journal of Economics, August 1981.

Fromm, G. and Klein, L. “The NBER/NSF Model comparison Seminar: An Analysis of Results”, Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, vol 5, No. 1, 1976.

Hirsch, A.A., Grimm, B.L. and Narasimham, G.V.L. “Some Multiplier and Error Characteristics of the BEA Quarterly Model”, International Economic Review, October 1974.

Granger, C.W.J, and Newbold, P. Forecasting Economic Time Series, Academic Press. New York, 1977.

Jonson, P.D. and Norton, W.E. “Macroeconomic Modelling: The RBA Experience” Reserve Bank Statistical Bulletin, January 1980.

Lucas, R.E. “Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique”, in K. Brunner and A Meltzer, eds. The Phillips Curve and Labor Markets, Carnegie Rochester Conference on Public Policy, Vol 1 1976.

McCarthy M.D., Howery, E.P. and Klein, L.R. “Notes on Testing the Predictive Performance of Econometric Models”, International Economic Review, June 1974.

McCrann, T. “Economic Forecasts for the Year Ahead”, The Age, various dates in January 1978 to 1982.

McNees, S.K. “An Evaluation of Economic Forecasts: Extension and Update, “New England Economic Review, September/October 1976.

McNees, S.K. “The Methodology of Macro-econometric Model Comparison”, Large-Scale Macro-Econometric Models J. Kmenta and J. Ramsey (eds) North Holland, 1981(a).

McNees, S.K. “The Recent Record of Thirteen Forecasters”, New England Economic Review, September/October 1981(b).

Mincer, J. and Zarnowitz, V., “The Evaluation of Economic Forecasts” in Economic Forecasts and Expectations, ed. J. Mincer, NBER, N.Y. 1969.

Nelson, C.R., “The Prediction Performance of the FRB-MIT-PENN Model of the US Economy”, American Economic Review, Vol. 62, 1972.

Pagan, A.R., Trivedi, P.K. & Valentine, T.J. “Assessment of Australian Economic Forecasts”, Australian Business Economists, Sydney, April and September 1982.

Sapir, M., “Review of Economic Forecasts for the Transition Period”, Studies in Income and Wealth, II, NBER. N.Y. 1949.

Shapiro, T.H. & Garman, D.M. “Perspectives on the Accuracy of Macro-Econometric Forecasting Models” in J. Kmenta and J. Ramsey, (eds) Large Scale Macro-Econometric Models, North-Holland. 1981.

Smyth, D.J. “How Well Do Australian Economists Forecast?”, Economic Record, June 1966.

Smyth, D.J. and Ash, J.C.K., “Forecasting Gross National Product, the Rate of Inflation and the Balance of Trade: the OECD Performance”, Economic Journal, June 1975.

Su, V. “An Error Analysis of Econometric and Non-econometric Forecasts” American Economic Review. May 1978.

Theil, H. Economic Forecasts and Policy, Amsterdam 1961.

Zarnowitz, V. An Appraisal of Short-term Economic Forecasts, Occasional Paper 104, NBER, N.Y. 1967.

Zarnowitz, V. “Forecasting Economic Conditions: The Record and Prospect”, in The Business Cycle Today, ed. Zarnowitz, N.Y. NBER, 1972.”

Zarnowitz, V. “On the Accuracy and Properties of Recent Macroeconomic Forecasts”, American Economic Review, May 1978.

Zarnowitz, V. “An Analysis of Annual and Multiperiod Quarterly Forecasts of Aggregate Income, Output and the Price Level” Journal of Business Jan. 1979.