RDP 2021-05: Central Bank Communication: One Size Does Not Fit All 3. Data

As noted above, there are 3 main dimensions to central bank communication that we are interested in: what is being communicated, how clearly it is being communicated and who it is being communicated to. The most obvious way to gather this data is the one we choose here: we ask a variety of people to rate the ease of reading and degree of reasoning of economic communication. More specifically, our data consists of 1,000 paragraphs of economic communication that survey respondents rated for their ease of reading and their degree of reasoning.[6] We collect this data using an online survey that was completed by staff at the RBA with varying levels of economic training.[7] For simplicity, we divide the audience into 2 broad groups: economists and non-economists. While there will undoubtedly be a range of understanding within those groups, and we do gather more fine-grained estimates of people's economic literacy, the largest differences in perception are likely to exist between these groups, so we focus on that in this study.

We discuss the reasons for various choices we made in the survey below. You can find a sample survey in this link (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EC_G1).[8]

3.1 Survey design

3.1.1 Sample paragraphs

Our survey asks respondents to rate the ease of reading and degree of reasoning in 10 paragraphs that are randomly selected from a set of 1,000. We chose to focus on paragraphs as these are a natural unit of written communication that are meant to present a single thought or idea that is also not too long and not too short. It was felt that single sentences would strip too much context from the writing and make evaluation of the readability and reasoning more difficult.[9] On the other hand, asking people to read longer bodies of text would increase the response burden – consequently reducing the size of our dataset – and magnify the difficulties associated with converting the text into structured data.

The corpus of 1,000 paragraphs was selected randomly from a large number of publications from different sources including both central bank and non-central bank documents. This was done to ensure that our sample paragraphs include a variety of writing styles and economic topics and, thus, could provide a good amount of variation in the data. Given our focus on RBA communication, half of the sample paragraphs are from RBA publications, which include the SMP (2006–19), speeches (2018 and 2019), and Bulletin articles (2017–19). Another 20 per cent of the sample is from Bank of England (BoE) publications, including the Inflation Report (2014–19) and speeches (2019). We chose to include writing from another central bank as a way of including a different style of writing in our sample while keeping the underlying content relatively similar. The remaining 30 per cent is from non-central bank documents, including a number of reports published by the Grattan Institute, an economic policy think tank, and various articles from The Economist. These documents allowed us to include a wider variety of economic topics as well as writing styles in our training sample. See Table 1 for more details.

Table 1: Sample Paragraphs by Source
  Number of paragraphs selected Percentage of whole sample External or internal
RBA publications 500 50 Internal
Bulletin articles 100 10  
Speeches 100 10  
Financial Stability Report 50 5  
SMP Overview/Introduction 100 10  
SMP main body 50 5  
SMP boxes 100 10  
BoE publications 200 20 External
Inflation Report introduction 50 5  
Inflation Report main body 50 5  
Speeches 100 10  
Other economic publications 300 30 External
The Economist (a) 200 20  
Grattan Institute(b) 100 10  

Notes: A full list of these paragraphs are available in the online supplementary information

  1. Paragraphs are extracted from articles published in the ‘Finance & economics’ section
  2. Reports are downloaded from its website (https://grattan.edu.au) and only include those related to economic growth

3.1.2 Survey design

For logistical and sampling reasons, we divided the 1,000 paragraphs across 5 online surveys. Each survey presented a random selection of 10 paragraphs for the respondent to rate.[10] Asking each respondent to rate 10 paragraphs helped to keep the response burden low while also allowing us to control for a degree of inter-rater variability – different people tended to have different default ratings. Respondents were asked to rate each paragraph on a scale from 1 to 5 on 2 aspects:

  1. Readability (ease of reading): how easy it was to read. Where 1 is a very hard to read paragraph and 5 is a very easy to read paragraph.
  2. Reasoning (what versus why): the extent to which the paragraph reveals the thinking, position or point of view of the author. Where 1 indicates a statement of facts (what) and 5 indicates that there is an obvious position being taken or explanation being given (why).

We measure readability using survey ratings rather than existing metrics of readability or reading time. This is because we want to capture a holistic measure of readability (that we can then analyse to see if it is correlated with existing metrics) rather than automatically assuming that shorter sentences, shorter words, or sentences that are read more quickly are necessarily ‘clearer’.

The concept of reasoning is harder to capture. The definition used reflects the result of a number of pilots where we refined the question to best reflect the concepts discussed in the theoretical literature on central bank transparency. All of these emphasise the need for a central bank to explain its reasoning and framework to allow informed observers to predict future behaviour and test past behaviour against the central bank's stated framework. Our definition also reflects some overlap with a wider literature that focuses on analysing persuasive texts (Cohen 1984; Olsen and Johnson 1989; Azar 1999; Ferretti and Graham 2019), from which we drew a number of ideas.

3.1.3 Survey participants

Survey participants for this study are all working at the RBA, but in different areas including both economic policy-related areas and non-policy areas.[11] To assess their economic knowledge and working background we asked 3 simple questions:

  1. How would you rate your overall level of economic literacy? (5 point scale from ‘below average’ to ‘above average’)
  2. What level of formal economics education do you have? (scale from ‘none’ to ‘post-graduate qualification’)
  3. Do you currently work in a job that involves economics in some way? (Yes/No)

Using these questions, we can test for the effect of economic knowledge on reader's judgements about the readability and reasoning of a given paragraph. Therefore, we sent the same survey (that is, a survey drawing from the same sub-sample of 200 paragraphs) to both economic policy and non-policy areas of the Bank in an effort to gather views from both economists and non-economists. In practice, the randomisation process meant that not every paragraph was rated by people from each area or by an economist and non-economist. In particular, some paragraphs were rated multiple times while some were not rated at all. We discuss the insights this duplication delivers and how we analyse these responses in Section 4. Other factors, such as age, gender, working experience (years) in economics, may also affect survey ratings. These were not included in our research for both privacy reasons and because we wanted to focus on high-level distinctions in our initial work. Notwithstanding this, the effect of these factors on the ratings would be a fruitful avenue of exploration for future work.

3.2 Limitation of the survey

While using a survey is an effective way to collect data in this study, we do face a number of limitations. Two particular ones we focus on here are selection bias and response bias.

3.2.1 Selection bias

The main selection issue is that the survey participants may not be representative of the general public or average central bank audiences. Indeed, this is undoubtedly the case. As such, the results should not be interpreted as indicating what a representative sample of Australians think about particular documents. Notwithstanding this, our primary objective is to obtain samples from different audiences with different levels of economics training. In this respect, the sample meets our needs.

While all participants in our survey are currently working at the RBA, the degree of familiarity with monetary policy among non-economists at the RBA is very limited. Many respondents had relatively short tenures at the RBA, do not work in the policy-related areas, and do not have any economics training. As such, they are generally unfamiliar with economic policy issues. Conversely, among the economists surveyed, we would expect that they would be much more familiar with the ideas associated with central banking and represent a particularly specialised audience. To the extent that our primary purpose is to identify differences between the way specialist and non-specialist audiences understand various communications, this bias is beneficial in highlighting such differences more clearly than a more ‘representative’ sample might.

A related observation about the sample is that the economist sample may, in fact, be reasonably useful for understanding the way financial market economists perceive RBA communications. It is common for financial market economists to have spent some time working at a central bank or treasury. As such, we think the differences between the way economists at a central bank and economists in the private sector would understand particular communications are likely to be limited. Notwithstanding this, differences in the way the Bank of England publications were rated, discussed further below, suggest that the results reflect the Australian financial market economists might view the communications. This may reflect a learned familiarity with the RBA ‘house style’. So, while Australian market economists are a relevant audience for RBA documents, UK market economists may perceive things differently and would be a more relevant audience to the Bank of England.

A second, less important, selection issue relates to the text samples chosen. Text selection bias may occur if sample paragraphs are not representative of the documents from which they are drawn. To the extent that this is an issue, it would limit the conclusions we could draw about the readability of or reasoning contained in the overall documents from the survey results alone. In practice, our main objective is to have a wide variety of paragraphs to train our machine learning algorithm rather than a representative sample of paragraphs. Nonetheless, given our selection was random, the survey averages should be a reasonable representation of the average characteristics of the various documents we sampled. In any case, while we present some summary statistics from our training sample, this is not the focus of our study and we do not draw particular conclusions about individual sources from these results alone.

3.2.2 Response bias

People's judgement about a given document can have subjective as well as objective elements. The subjective elements may vary based on people's personality, mood or opinion about the subject. For example, some survey respondents may be more generous or harsh than others and, thus, tend to give relatively higher or lower scores to the paragraphs they read. To control for this bias an effective (but not perfect) approach is to standardise the scores given by each person. That is, we calculate the mean rating a person gives to each of the 10 paragraphs they rate and the standard deviation of their ratings, and convert their raw scores into normalised scores by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. Implicit in this approach is the assumption that the average objective quality of the 10 paragraphs assigned to each respondent is the same. While this is unlikely to be precisely true ex post, it is certainly true in expectation because of the random assignment we use. More practically, we found that the additional noise that resulted from not making this normalisation made it very difficult for our models to fit the data well. That is, we believe the random variation in average paragraph quality between questionnaires was substantially less than the random variation in respondent's default or average ratings.

An additional question related to inter-rater variability and response bias is what to do with paragraphs rated by multiple respondents where the normalised (or un-normalised) rating differs. One way to manage this variability would be to use the average scores for the paragraph to measure text quality. An alternative would be to include each response in the dataset so that the same paragraph is associated with 2 (or more) different ratings. We discuss these 2 alternative below and make our choice – to use the average – based on the distribution of the observed survey responses.


Due to the randomisation setting in the online survey there were some paragraphs that were not selected, thus only 833 paragraphs were actually rated. [6]

The sample of RBA staff was a sample of convenience. Notwithstanding the non-representative nature of the sample, it had some useful aspects. The first was that, given we were trusted by the recipients, we obtained a higher response rate than would be the case with a survey sent to the general public. Indeed, we achieved a response rate of almost 70 per cent that would be unheard of in a survey sent more broadly. Also, because the issue was of particular interest to the respondents, they should devote more effort to providing accurate responses – leading to a higher quality dataset. Finally, the fact that the sample is non-representative is, for our purposes, not a particular problem. The primary requirement is that our sample include a range of different ‘audiences’ – which, because of the diversity of staff at the RBA, it does. [7]

You may note that the concepts in the survey are referred to as ‘clarity’ and ‘content’. This reflects the fact that earlier versions of this work used the label ‘content’ rather than ‘reasoning’ to refer to the extent to which particular text revealed the author's thinking or point of view. On the basis of feedback received on an earlier draft, we decided that the label ‘reasoning’ better captured the particular aspect of a text's content that we were focusing on and ‘readability’ better captured the ease of reading. [8]

As it is, a tendency for some people to write very short or even one sentence paragraphs did create some problems. [9]

The corpus of 1,000 paragraphs was divided into 5 randomly selected sets of 200 paragraphs. Each respondent would receive 10 randomly selected paragraphs from the subset associated with the particular survey they were sent. [10]

Economic policy area generally refers to departments in Economic Group, Financial System Group and Financial Markets Group. Non-policy generally refers to the Information Technology Department (IT) and Business Services Group. Some departments, such as Note Issue, have both economists and non-economists working in them. As discussed below, we use the answers to questions 2 and 3 to distinguish between economists and non-economists. [11]