Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1988 Financial Statements Note 6 Bank Premises and Other Durable Assets

As at 30 June 1987 240,349 116,914 357,263
Net expenditure in 1987/88
(including currency translation)
5,024 1,079 6,103
  245,373 117,993 363,366
Accumulated depreciation 10,798 6,162 16,960
As at 30 June 1988 234,575 111,831 346,406

Amounts written off Bank premises in 1987/88 in terms of Section 78 of the Reserve Bank Act were $3.695 million for Central Bank and $2.091 million for Note Issue Department.

Other Durable Assets
As at 30 June 1987 20,045 33,578 53,623
Net expenditure in 1987/88 2,952 5,971 8,923
  22,997 39,549 62,546
Accumulated depreciation 16,324 19,342 35,666
As at 30 June 1988 6,673 20,207 26,880