Equity & Diversity Annual Report – 2008 Foreword
This is the twenty-first annual report of the Reserve Bank of Australia as required under the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987.
The Reserve Bank's diversity program aims to ensure that all staff are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace and experience equal opportunity throughout their careers with the Bank. To help design an effective program, the Equity & Diversity Policy Committee has continued to devote considerable efforts improving the database on equity and diversity in the workplace. This is reflected in the range of statistics made available in this Report. Going forward this will help the Bank identify the issues and priorities for inclusion in its Workplace Diversity Plan.
Over the past year, the Bank focused on issues of accessibility for staff, seeking to raise awareness of assistive technology – products that aid access to both physical infrastructure and to computing systems and information. It did so by purchasing an online accessibility training package and by running information sessions. The Bank also continued its efforts to assist staff in the balancing of responsibilities at work and at home by introducing more flexible leave arrangements.

Keith Hall
Equity & Diversity Policy Committee