Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 1998 Executive Summary
The Bank's EEO program involves the development, implementation and monitoring of an EEO plan.

The analysis of indicators of progress in 1997/98 needs to be viewed against the background of a substantial decline in staff numbers. The largest reduction occurred in the Business Services Group which was restructured to improve efficiency and respond to business pressures.
Despite reduced recruitment and increased exits, representation of EEO groups remained similar to last year. The proportion of women at management level again increased but the return rate of women from parental leave was the lowest since 1994/95 when the last major restructure occurred.
Initiatives undertaken during the past year included the launch of the Bank's fifth EEO Plan, the issuing of guidelines and conducting of presentations on the appropriate use of the Internet and electronic mail to prevent harassment, and grievance contact officer refresher training. Of the issues identified in last year's report for further consideration, the gender composition of female graduate recruits improved to 26% of intake in 1997/98 from 17% in 1996/97.

Also, the representation of women in external training increased from 25% of all women in 1996/97 to 32% in 1997/98. Women receiving study assistance also increased from 10% in 1996/97 to 12%. However, a considerable gender imbalance continues to exist at Level 3 (there are equal numbers of men and women at this level) where 23% of men are studying compared to only 11% of women.
Issues identified in this report which will be considered further in the coming year include improving the long term retention rate of women following parental leave and the representation of women in courses of study.