Review of the Regulatory Framework for the eftpos System: Consultation on Designation – March 2012 5. Next Steps

The Board invites comments on the two options proposed in Section 3 for defining the eftpos system in a designation. The current designation is unclear because of amendments to the CECS manual and needs to be reconsidered in light of developments in the industry, including the establishment of ePAL. At this time, the Board is not seeking comments on the broader regulatory framework that the designation might underpin. A separate consultation document reviewing the broader regulatory framework will be made available later this year, after the form of the designation has been resolved. The Board will seek views on these aspects of the regulatory framework at that time.

Formal written submissions regarding the review of designation for the eftpos system should be provided by no later than 20 April 2012 and should be sent to:

Head of Payments Policy Department
Reserve Bank of Australia
GPO Box 3947
Sydney NSW 2001


Submissions provided by email should be in a separate document, in PDF, Word or equivalent format.

In the normal course of events, submissions will be posted on the Reserve Bank's website and those making submissions will be provided with an opportunity to discuss their submission with the Bank.