Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 2002 Financial Statements Note 7

Note 7 – Property, Plant and Equipment (Note 1(f))

2002 $M 2001 $M
Opening balance 237 246
Additions 5
Disposals (23) (13)
219 233
Depreciation prior to revaluation (7) (7)
Book valuation prior to revaluation 212 226
Net revaluation adjustments (Note 4) 15 11
As at 30 June 227 237
The triennial independent revaluation of all Bank
properties occurred at 30 June 2001 (Note 1(f)).
Plant and equipment
Opening balance 118 114
Additions 17 6
Disposals (11) (2)
124 118
Accumulated depreciation (74) (75)
As at 30 June 50 43
Total property, plant and equipment 277 280