Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1982 Financial Statements Balance Sheet - Central Banking Business

As at 30 June 1982

Central Banking Business
Capital   40,000 40,000
Reserves –
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund 5,568    
Reserves for contingencies and general purposes (Note 6) 1,114,188 1,119,756 1,378,955
Deposits by –
Trading banks – Statutory Reserve Deposits   2,118,376 1,846,146
– Other   22,968 8,955
Savings banks   195,291 128,806
Overseas governments and institutions (Note 8)   445,106 169,639
Governments and government instrumentalities
– Commonwealth   826,677 746,976
– State   65,708 108,994
Note Issue Department   2,515,233 1,441,219
Other   23,661 18,771
Special Reserve – International Monetary Fund special drawing rights (Note 9)   352,301 388,066
Other liabilities (Note 10)   250,412 175,308
Total   7,975,489 6,451,835
Gold and foreign exchange (Note 3) –
Gold 908,131 1,090,431
International Monetary Fund special drawing rights 8,261 45,667
Foreign exchange holdings 4,047,678 2,193,759
Australian government securities (Note 4) –
Treasury bills 520,145 650,685
Treasury notes 432,528 232,301
Other Commonweakh securities 819,996 736,227
Loans, advances and bills discounted –
Rural Credits Department 267,111 275,611
Other (Note 11) 209,281 474,731
Bank premises and other durable assets (Note 5) 85,176 83,002
Clearing items (remittances in transit, cheques and bills of other banks) 598,389 594,477
Australian notes and coin 47,589 46,818
Other assets 31,204 28,126
Total 7,975,489 6,451,835

H.M. Knight
Chairman, Reserve Bank Board – 30 July 1982