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12 of 2 collapsed search results for bid

RBA Glossary definition for bid

bid – The price offered to purchase securities in the primary market. In relation to a tender, a bid also includes the volume willing to be bought at the price offered.

Search Results

Appendix A: Emergency Liquidity Injection Policies in Europe and the United States

9 Oct 2019 RDP 2019-10
Nicholas Garvin
Prior to October 2008, the ECB priced the MROs and LTROs by taking bids from banks comprising interest rates and corresponding quantities, auctioning a predetermined total amount at the lowest successful ... interest rate bid; the amount auctioned was

Emergency Liquidity Injections

1 Oct 2019 RDP 2019-10
Nicholas Garvin
Research Discussion Paper – RDP 2019-10 Emergency Liquidity Injections. Nicholas Garvin. October 2019. 2.04. MB. 1. Introduction. If financial intermediaries in liquidity distress are to be bailed out, how should it be done? In late 2008