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15 of 5 collapsed search results for OIS

RBA Glossary definition for OIS

OIS – Overnight indexed swap, a bilaterally traded, or over-the-counter (OTC), derivative in which one party agrees to pay the other party a fixed interest rate in exchange for receiving the average cash rate recorded over the term of the swap.

Search Results

The Yield and Market Function Effects of the Reserve Bank of Australia's Bond Purchases

24 May 2022 RDP 2022-02
Richard Finlay, Dmitry Titkov and Michelle Xiang
Figure 6: Change in AGS Spreads to OIS. Over key event study days. ... Target bond yields. 3-year OIS rate. Target bond yields. 3-year OIS rate.

Implementation Effects

24 May 2022 RDP 2022-02
Richard Finlay, Dmitry Titkov and Michelle Xiang
Target bond yields. 3-year OIS rate. Target bond yields. 3-year OIS rate. ... 0.16. (0.16). Change in 3-month OIS rate. 0.76. (0.36). 1.12. (0.19).

Event Study of Announcement Effects

24 May 2022 RDP 2022-02
Richard Finlay, Dmitry Titkov and Michelle Xiang
Figure 6: Change in AGS Spreads to OIS. Over key event study days. ... the expected average overnight cash rate over the term of the OIS contract.

Additional Analysis of Yield Effects

24 May 2022 RDP 2022-02
Richard Finlay, Dmitry Titkov and Michelle Xiang
Model 1. Model 2. Model 3. Preferred model. Includes 3-month. USD LIBOR–OIS spread. ... Treasury yield–OIS spread. 10-year AUD OIS rate. 0.79. (0.12). 0.81. (0.12).

Read me file

24 May 2022 RDP 2022-02
Richard Finlay, Dmitry Titkov and Michelle Xiang
The code loads data from Findur on: the RBA's purchases and holdings of government bonds; government bond yields; and overnight indexed swap (OIS) rates.