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15 of 5 collapsed search results for OIS

RBA Glossary definition for OIS

OIS – Overnight indexed swap, a bilaterally traded, or over-the-counter (OTC), derivative in which one party agrees to pay the other party a fixed interest rate in exchange for receiving the average cash rate recorded over the term of the swap.

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12 May 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur and Qazi Haque
Findur intraday OIS data.csv’ (monetary policy announcement OIS) – not for public release. ... Output folder:. Input dataHF zcrinput. Output files:. ‘ois_pre.csv’ – not for public release.

Can We Use High-frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No!

1 Apr 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur
For this, we use data on overnight indexed swaps (OIS) at fixed maturities of 1 week, 1 to 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months, as well as yields on all ... Similarly, there is a moderate correlation between the (conditional) volatility of the 3-month OIS

Appendix B: Additional Results

12 May 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur and Qazi Haque
1.73. 0.08. 2.05. 3-month OIS change. (a). 9.21. na. na. na.

Documenting Shock Measures Pre-COVID-19

12 May 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur and Qazi Haque
Similarly, there is a moderate correlation between the (conditional) volatility of the 3-month OIS and the Premia shock in a given month. ... More precisely, this is the conditional volatility of the residual from a forecasting model of the 3-month OIS,

The Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks

12 May 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur and Qazi Haque
For example, using just the change in the 3-month or 2-year OIS rate around the Board meeting leads to very similar results, as does simply taking the first factor