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11 of 1 collapsed search results for Nominal interest rate

RBA Glossary definition for Nominal interest rate

Nominal interest rate – The nominal interest rate refers to the cost of borrowing money before adjustment for inflation i.e. it includes compensation for the expected erosion of the value of the borrowed funds due to inflation. It is the cost visible to the borrower, and is composed of the real interest rate plus inflation.

RBA Glossary definition for interest rate

interest rate – The term used to describe the cost of borrowing money or the return to the owner of the funds which are invested or lent out. It is usually expressed as a percent per annum of the amount of money borrowed, lent or invested.

Search Results

Estimates of λ by Decade and the Liquidity Constrants Interpretation

1 Sep 1992 RDP 9209
Adrian Blundell-Wignall, Frank Browne, Stefano Cavaglia and Alison Tarditi
Unless nominal interest rate effects are controlled for, variations in the imperfectly measured real rates could capture liquidity constraint effects coming from changes in nominal rates. ... However, for the United States, nominal interest rate