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15 of 5 collapsed search results for Nominal interest rate

RBA Glossary definition for Nominal interest rate

Nominal interest rate – The nominal interest rate refers to the cost of borrowing money before adjustment for inflation i.e. it includes compensation for the expected erosion of the value of the borrowed funds due to inflation. It is the cost visible to the borrower, and is composed of the real interest rate plus inflation.

RBA Glossary definition for interest rate

interest rate – The term used to describe the cost of borrowing money or the return to the owner of the funds which are invested or lent out. It is usually expressed as a percent per annum of the amount of money borrowed, lent or invested.

Search Results

Appendix A: Data Sources

1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
Real interest rates for the exchange rate section are calculated by deflating the interest rate by a corresponding measure of four-quarter-ended inflation. ... The world yield curve is measured as the difference between short and long nominal world

The Macroeconomic Model Approach

1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
year) interest rates are above domestic rates, the current value of the exchange rate must be below its equilibrium value. ... This produces what might be broadly interpreted as a rate-setting monetary policy rule: the current level of the short-run


1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
Download the Paper 171. KB. More than two decades have passed since the initial relaxation of domestic interest rate controls in Australia and just over one decade since the float of ... Interest rates and exchange rates now constitute two of the most

A Behavioural Model of the Australian Long-Term Interest Rate

1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
A Behavioural Model of the Australian Long-Term Interest Rate. Alison Tarditi. ... one by movements in the nominal interest rate.

A Behavioural Model of the Australian Real Exchange Rate

1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
As customarily measured – using 12-months-ended inflation rates – real short-term interest rate differentials would reflect the prevailing stance of domestic, relative to foreign, monetary policy; but they would fail ... worth noting straight away.