Search: foreign-currency liquidity

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11 of 1 collapsed search results for foreign-currency liquidity

RBA Glossary definition for foreign-currency liquidity

foreign-currency liquidity – The capacity to exchange foreign currency for domestic currency without significantly moving the exchange rate. The extent to which a foreign currency may be traded readily without causing a significant movement in price.

RBA Glossary definition for liquidity

liquidity – The capacity to sell an asset quickly without significantly affecting the price of that asset. Liquidity is also sometimes used to refer to assets that are highly liquid.

Search Results

The Provision of Systemic Liquidity Services by the Public Sector

27 Oct 2008 RDP 2008-06
Jonathan Kearns and Philip Lowe
In particular, central banks (including the RBA) have been prepared to intervene in the foreign exchange market to provide two-way liquidity, and have also intervened when the value of the ... In principle, the same logic that has been used to justify