Search: ANZSIC

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14 of 4 collapsed search results for ANZSIC

RBA Glossary definition for ANZSIC

ANZSIC – Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification

Search Results

Appendix C: Extra DD Results

22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
The key difference from the business-level specification, Equation (1), is the replacement of the business fixed effects with ANZSIC division by size dummies.


22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
Model 1 is the model outlined in the previous subsection. Models 2 and 3 incorporate some additional covariates, namely revenue in period t and t 1, and ANZSIC division dummies. ... Clustering the errors by 4-digit ANZSIC group leads to slightly higher

The GFC Investment Tax Break

1 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
Model 1 is the model outlined in the previous subsection. Models 2 and 3 incorporate some additional covariates, namely revenue in period t and t 1, and ANZSIC division dummies.

DD with Capex Survey Data

22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
In the specification, i denotes a business, s denotes the revenue size categories (< $2 million, $2–10 million, $10–100 million, and > $100 million), n denotes ANZSIC divisions, and t denotes ... $2–10 million. > $2 million. η. 0.43. (0.01). 1.10.