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15 of 5 collapsed search results for year-ended growth

RBA Glossary definition for year-ended growth

year-ended growth – The rate of change between the period and the equivalent period in the previous year, where the period is typically a month or a quarter. For example 'year-ended growth June 2012' means the percentage change between June 2011 and June 2012. It can also be referred to as 'growth over the year' or 'through-the-year growth'.

Search Results

Financial Conditions and Downside Risk to Economic Activity in Australia

23 Mar 2021 RDP 2021-03
Luke Hartigan and Michelle Wright
h = 4) for year-ended growth. Besides the inclusion of the median, these are the same values originally specified by Adrian et al (2019). ... The top row shows the coefficient estimates for quarterly growth in GDP while the bottom row shows the

Appendix B: Additional Growth-at-Risk Results

1 Mar 2021 RDP 2021-03
Luke Hartigan and Michelle Wright
Notes: ‘HFCE’ is the growth rate of real household final consumption expenditure, actual HFCE quarterly growth rate for 2020:Q2 is –12.1 per cent, actual HFCE year-ended growth rate ... per cent, actual HFCE year-ended growth rate for 2020:Q2 is -12

Appendix A: Estimating a Financial Conditions Index for Australia

1 Mar 2021 RDP 2021-03
Luke Hartigan and Michelle Wright
We examine both quarterly and year-ended changes in these variables over the period 1976:Q4 to 2020:Q2. ... 0.00. 0.00. Year-ended. GDP does not Granger-cause FCI. 1.00. 1.00. 1.00.

How Do Financial Conditions Affect Risks to Economic Outcomes?

1 Mar 2021 RDP 2021-03
Luke Hartigan and Michelle Wright
The top row shows the coefficient estimates for quarterly growth in GDP while the bottom row shows the coefficient estimates for year-ended growth. ... Figures 3 and 4 display the quarterly and year-ended fitted quantiles for GDP and employment growth.

Modelling Risks to Economic Activity from Changing Financial Conditions

1 Mar 2021 RDP 2021-03
Luke Hartigan and Michelle Wright
h = 4) for year-ended growth. Besides the inclusion of the median, these are the same values originally specified by Adrian et al (2019). ... We convert any series available at higher frequencies to a quarterly frequency by computing the quarter average