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RBA Glossary definition for margin payment

margin payment – A payment made to meet a margin call, to cover an adverse movement in the price of physical assets, such as equities or units in managed funds, or derivatives, such as futures, options or swap contracts.

Search Results

Contagion Analysis

29 Sep 2015 RDP 2015-02
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning
Bank i's total outgoing variation margin payments are. , summing over all positive net obligations to counterparties j. ... In the non-centrally cleared case, by contrast, if a bank cannot meet its variation margin payment in full, it pays nothing at all.

Data and Exposure Analysis

29 Sep 2015 RDP 2015-02
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning
with. denotes that participant j expects to receive a variation margin payment from participant i, while V. ... For a positive. , which represents i being short and j being long, this upward movement in prices results in a variation margin payment from i

Central Counterparty Loss Allocation and Transmission of Financial Stress

18 Mar 2015 RDP 2015-02
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning
central clearing, financial markets, financial stability, interest rates, money, payments, regulation. ... the mechanism of variation margin gains haircutting.

Background and Relevant Literature

11 Sep 2015 RDP 2015-02
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning
In the case of non-centrally cleared trades, separate variation margin payments/receipts are calculated vis-à-vis each bilateral counterparty. ... In the case of central clearing, variation margin payments/receipts are multilaterally netted across all


11 Sep 2015 RDP 2015-02
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning
CPMI (Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures)-IOSCO (2014),. Recovery of Financial Market Infrastructures. , ... Bank for International Settlements, Basel. CPSS-IOSCO (Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and Technical Committee of the