Search: indicative mid rates

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12 of 2 collapsed search results for indicative mid rates

RBA Glossary definition for indicative mid rates

indicative mid rates – The daily schedule of annual returns expressed as a percentage of the prices of specific fixed-coupon bonds, capital-indexed bonds and Treasury notes issued by the Australian Government. They are closing rates as sourced from Yieldbroker Pty Limited (except for Treasury Indexed Bond yields prior to 18 September 2013, which are 4.30 pm mid-rates sourced from a survey of bond dealers by the RBA).

RBA Glossary definition for Indicative

Indicative – Data are not necessarily observed but calculated from reference points. For a financial asset or product, an �indicative� price may not necessarily correspond to the price at which dealers in that market would execute transactions; for an example see Notes for Table F11.

Search Results

Where's the Money? An Investigation into the Whereabouts and Uses of Australian Banknotes

1 Dec 2018 RDP 2018-12
Richard Finlay, Andrew Staib and Max Wakefield
the estimated loss rate for these denominations will continue to gradually fall over coming years. ... While we believe that the loss rates of paper banknotes serves as a reasonable indicator for the loss rate of polymer banknotes, there are some

Cash Used in Legitimate Transactions

1 Dec 2018 RDP 2018-12
Richard Finlay, Andrew Staib and Max Wakefield
The transactional $50 banknotes should become unfit at the same rate as the lower denominations, assuming that they are handled in a similar fashion. ... extended back further; they suggest a transactional share of around 50 per cent in the mid 1990s,