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16 of 6 collapsed search results for borrower

RBA Glossary definition for borrower

borrower – A person or entity that incurs a debt to a lender on agreed terms.

Search Results

Mortgage-related Financial Difficulties: Evidence from Australian Micro-level Data

25 Nov 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Additionally, the probability of entering arrears varies across different loan types; for example, low-documentation loans are more likely to enter arrears, even after controlling for whether the borrower was ... employed. The likelihood of entering

Loan-level Determinants of Housing Loan Arrears

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
The remaining loans had exited from the loan sample, probably because the borrower paid the loan down by selling the property or they refinanced (although a very small number of borrowers ... The estimated SHR for low-doc loans could reflect a


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Additionally, low-doc loans appear more likely to enter arrears than other types of loans, even after controlling for whether the borrower was self-employed. ... This highlights the importance of borrowers not overextending themselves by taking out loans


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
dataset provides rich information on borrower characteristics, such as income and labour force status. ... However, these options are not typically available when the borrower has negative equity.

Household-level Determinants of Missed Mortgage Payments

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Furthermore, the borrower may be less averse to missing payments if the associated stigma is lessened by their previous experience. ... Additionally, there is also some evidence to suggest that borrowers with negative equity are more likely to miss a


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Palmer C (2013), ‘Why Did so Many Subprime Borrowers Default during the Crisis: Loose Credit or Plummeting Prices?’, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Economics, Job Market Paper.