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16 of 6 collapsed search results for balance of payments

RBA Glossary definition for balance of payments

balance of payments – A summary of the economic transactions between residents of one country and residents of other countries.

Search Results

Appendix A. The Model

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
RDP 7703: Price and Quantity Responses to Monetary Impulses in a Model of a Small Open Economy Appendix A. The Model. P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin. July 1977. The specification of the model is as follows:. Note: A subscript of zero indicates a

Simulation Analysis

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
the balance of payments or the monetary growth rate differ from their control solution values, the exchange rate will vary. ... that even in the first quarter there are some domestic financial offsets, as well as the offset via the balance of payments.

Concluding Comments

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
Not surprisingly, the dynamic response of the model to monetary impulses includes substantial price, output, and balance of payments effects. ... The differential impacts of various impulses are perhaps seen most clearly in the balance of payments,


1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
Introduction. P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin. July 1977. The nature of price, output and balance of payments responses to domestic monetary and budgetary disturbances has received much attention in ... offsets through the balance of payments, although other

Previous Research

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
domestic monetary expansion is offset by changes, in the capital account in the balance of payments. ... which the balance of payments offsets the initial change in domestic credit expansion.

A Model of the Australian Economy

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
non-bank sector and the level of international reserves) are determined by the relevant demand functions ((equation 12) for government securities and the functions entering the balance of payments equation (equation ... to date suggest that there are