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16 of 6 collapsed search results for LVR

RBA Glossary definition for LVR

LVR – Loan-to-valuation ratio

Search Results

Loan-level Determinants of Housing Loan Arrears

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
0.59. Loan purpose. 90 LVR < 100. 0.72. Home improvement. 0.21. ... SHR. Explanatory variable. SHR. Amortisation. 0.99. Investor. 0.91. LVR at origination.

Mortgage-related Financial Difficulties: Evidence from Australian Micro-level Data

25 Nov 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
The loan-level analysis indicates that the probability of entering arrears increases with the loan-to-valuation ratio (LVR) at origination, and is particularly high for loans with an LVR above

Appendix A: Literature Review

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Discrete-time hazard. Loan. US. Elul et al (2010). LVR; Gearing. Unemployment. ... LVR. Unemployment; Household income. Both. Cox proportional hazard. Loan. US. Deng et al (2000).

Appendix D: Discrete-time Duration Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
exp(γ). Explanatory variable. exp(γ). Amortisation. 0.98. Investor. 0.78. LVR at origination. ... Loan purpose. 60 LVR < 80. 2.35. Home improvement. 0.42. 80 LVR < 90.

Appendix E: Household-level Data

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
This issue should not affect the dependent variable in our probit model, as the inclusion of explanatory variables related to the DSR and LVR implicitly restricts the estimation sample to those


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
For instance, the loan-level dataset contains detailed information on loan characteristics, such as the LVR at origination and the actual interest rate charged on the loan, while the household-level