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13 of 3 collapsed search results for DSR

RBA Glossary definition for DSR

DSR – Debt-servicing ratio

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Household-level Determinants of Missed Mortgage Payments

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Coefficient. Marginal effect ppt. DSR. 30 DSR<50. 0.35. 3.57. DSR 50. ... average, 10 percentage points higher than for a DSR under 30 per cent.

Appendix A: Literature Review

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
Competing risks. Loan. US. Palmer (2013). Gearing. DSR. Equity. Discrete-time hazard. ... Ireland. Aron and. Muellbauer (2010). Housing debt to equity ratio. DSR; Unemployment.

Appendix E: Household-level Data

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-13
Matthew Read, Chris Stewart and Gianni La Cava
This issue should not affect the dependent variable in our probit model, as the inclusion of explanatory variables related to the DSR and LVR implicitly restricts the estimation sample to those