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110 of 415 search results for FOI Act

RBA Glossary definition for ACT

ACT – Australian Competition Tribunal

RBA Glossary definition for FOI

FOI – Freedom of Information, a regime under which individuals have the right to request access to documents from Australian Government ministers and most government agencies. The regime is established by the FOI Act.

RBA Glossary definition for FOI Act

FOI ActFreedom of Information Act 1982

Search Results

Inflation Targeting in New Zealand: An Experience in Evolution | Conference – 2018

12 Apr 2018 Conferences
John McDermott and Rebecca Williams
The RBNZ Act provided the RBNZ with its operational independence and its monetary policy objective. ... Figure 2 illustrates the structure of the committee to be established in the RBNZ Act.

Alternative Models of Financial System Development | Conference – 1996

9 Jul 1996 Conferences
Stephen Prowse
After 1987 can hold up to 5 per cent. Source: Anti-Monopoly Act. ... Insider trading laws discourage large stockholders from exerting control. Source: Insider Dealing Act. —.

Industrial Relations Reform and Labour Market Outcomes: A Comparison of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom

7 Dec 2006 Conferences PDF 93KB
RBA Conference Volume 1998

The Evolution of Monetary Policy: From Money Targets to Inflation Targets | Conference – 1997

21 Jul 1997 Conferences
Stephen Grenville
In addition to the money target, the Bank was still bound by the specific objectives set out in the Act – price stability and employment. ... There was no explicit rule (other than the on-going guidance of the Act), and the degree of discretion was high

Prudential Supervision | Conference – 1991

21 Jun 1991 Conferences
Graeme Thompson
Much of the philosophy of bank supervision underlying provisions of the present Banking Act derives from the analysis and recommendations in that Report. ... The Royal Commission's strong focus on depositor “protection” – but not the guarantee of

Regulatory Challenges of Cross-border Banking: Possible Ways Forward | Conference – 2007

20 Aug 2007 Conferences
Stefan Ingves
In the event of conflicting interests between authorities, the EOFS could also act as a neutral mediator. ... The EOFS would conduct macro-prudential oversight and act as an enlightened speaking partner for the supervisory authorities.

The Evolving Structure of the Australian Financial System | Conference – 1996

9 Jul 1996 Conferences
Malcolm Edey and Brian Gray
Banking Act 1959. Section 11 of the Act, for example, draws a distinction between those ‘persons’ wishing to ‘carry out banking business’ and those wishing to ‘carry out the general business ... Banking Act could not realistically be applied.

What Works Among Active Labour Market Policies: Evidence from OECD Countries' Experiences | Conference – 1998

9 Jun 1998 Conferences
John P. Martin
RBA Annual Conference – 1998 What Works Among Active Labour Market Policies: Evidence from OECD Countries' Experiences John P. 1. Introduction. High and persistent unemployment has been a major blot on the economic and social record of most OECD

The Evolution of Financial Deregulation | Conference – 1991

21 Jun 1991 Conferences
Stephen Grenville
This can be illustrated with a couple of examples. The Financial Corporations Act of 1974 demonstrates that an alternative path was in the minds of some – a path which would address ... Either the logic of the 1974 Financial Corporations Act had to be

Change and Constancy in the Financial System: Implications for Financial Distress and Policy | Conference – 2007

20 Aug 2007 Conferences
Claudio Borio
to act as a catalyst for the establishment of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. ... In other words, it would act as a stabiliser in both upward and downward phases.