Search: 24/7

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6163 of 63 search results for 24/7

RBA Glossary definition for 24/7

24/7 – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Search Results

Hedging Practices in Australia

31 Dec 2006 RDP 2006-09
Chris Becker and Daniel Fabbro
23.7. 24.7. 32.3. Source: Riethmuller and Phillips (1986). Providing further evidence of increased hedging in the early post-float period, the BIE (1991) found that the average proportion

Implications for Welfare and Policy

1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
32.2. 30.9. 28.5. 1.0. 1.2. 2.7. Korea. 24.3. 36.4. 34.5. 31.7. ... 5.2. Indonesia. 24.7. 31.7. 32.1. 20.9. 36.1. 33.3. 1.7. 5.9. 2.3.

The Pass-Through of Changes in the Cash Rate

1 May 1995 RDP 9504
Philip Lowe
0.24. (0.18). 0.94. (0.02). 0.98. 0.03. (0.05). 0.68. (0.11). 0.32. 0.94. ... The stickiest interest rate is the rate on credit cards. Between January 1986 and October 1994, the credit card rate ranged between 14.4 per cent and 24.7 per cent