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4150 of 154 search results for COIN

RBA Glossary definition for COIN

COIN – Community of Interest Network

Search Results

Semi-Annual Statement on Monetary Policy

10 Nov 1997 Bulletin – November 1997
Reserve Bank Bulletin – November 1997 Semi-Annual Statement on Monetary Policy. Download the complete Statement 336. KB. Introduction. During 1997, the Australian economy has been gradually emerging from a mild slowdown which began during 1995 and

Some Features of the Australian Payments System

22 Feb 2001 Bulletin PDF 41KB
2. The broadest definition of circulating cash is the total value of notes and coin on issue. ... Notesand coin in the hands of the non-bank public, usually called ‘currency’, is considered a good indicator of thetransactions demand for cash.

Data Appendix

1 Aug 1990 RDP 9004
Malcolm Edey and Mark Britten-Jones
overseas (RBA Bulletin Table I.11), Semi and Local Government Borrowings (RBA Bulletin Table I.13) and holdings of notes and coin by the public and bank deposits with the RBA. ... Claims of the private sector on the public sector are given by the sum of

How Australians Withdraw Cash

14 Jul 2004 Bulletin PDF 63KB
1. The oldest known coins date to Lydia in the 7th century BC.

Background | Review of the Regulatory Framework for the eftpos System: Consultation on Designation March 2012 | Consultations

9 Mar 2012 Consultations
The COIN simplifies links between participants by allowing each participant to connect to all other participants in the system using a single physical connection. ... Accordingly, the COIN potentially has implications for the cost and timeframe for new

A Brief History of Currency Counterfeiting

19 Sep 2019 Bulletin – September 2019
Richard Finlay and Anny Francis
The crime of counterfeiting is as old as money itself, and can be targeted at both low- and high-value denominations.

The 1820s

31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-07
Bryan Fitz-Gibbon and Marianne Gizycki
The bank itself promised that all notes presented would be met in government bills or coin. ... This precipitated large exports of Spanish dollars, which were more rapid than offsetting imports of sterling, leading to a generalised shortage of coin.
See 4 more results from "RDP 2001-07"

The Reserve Bank’s Domestic Market Operations

4 Nov 2002 Bulletin PDF 64KB
Each day, the Reserve Bank issues additionalnotes and coin to the banks or receives someback, depending upon the changing needs ofthe banks’ customers. ... transactions in notes and coin (these arenot known precisely at the start of the daybut are very

The Reserve Bank's Domestic Market Operations

10 Jun 1985 Bulletin – June 1985
The only component subject to variation in the normal course is the figure for notes and coin drawn by/returned by banks. ... purchases and return of currency notes and coin by banks (purchases from the Reserve Bank reduce cash; returns increase cash);.

Recent Trends in Counterfeiting

10 Sep 2011 Bulletin – September 2011
Arianna Cowling
Despite the increasing acceptance of a wide range of alternative payment mechanisms, currency or cash (defined as banknotes and coin) continues to be an essential element of the payments system, both