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RBA Glossary definition for systemic stability

systemic stability – The Reserve Bank of Australia has a general and longstanding responsibility for safeguarding the stability of the Australian financial system. In broad terms, financial system stability equates to smoothly functioning financial markets and the absence of financial disturbances that may threaten the health of the economy more broadly. The RBA can use its balance sheet to support a sound financial institution facing liquidity difficulties, should system stability be at risk.

Search Results

Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998, Draft Access Regime for the designated EFTPOS payment system

20 Dec 2005 Media Release PDF 188KB
Reform of EFTPOS System in Australia

Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998, The designated VISA Debit system - July 2005

20 Jul 2005 Media Release PDF 95KB
Reform of Visa Debit Card Scheme in Australia