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1120 of 33 search results for EMEAP

RBA Glossary definition for EMEAP

EMEAP – Executives' Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks. EMEAP is a co-operative forum of eleven central banks and monetary authorities in the East Asia and Pacific region comprising the Reserve Bank of Australia, the People's Bank of China, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank Indonesia, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Korea, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Bank of Thailand.

Search Results

International Monetary Co-operation in Asia

20 Nov 1996 Speech
Ian Macfarlane
Speech by Ian Macfarlane to the to Europe/East Asia Economic Summit, Hong Kong

Media Releases – 2010

31 Dec 2010 Media releases issued in 2010

Central Bank Cooperation in the Asian Region

25 Sep 1995 Speech
Bernie Fraser
Talk by Bernie Fraser to the 24th Conference of Economists, Adelaide

Asian Bond Fund

2 Jun 2003 Media Releases
Announcement by the EMEAP group of central banks and monetary authorities in the East Asia/Pacific region and the Bank for International Settlements about the launch of the Asian Bond Fund

Asian Bond Fund – Second Stage (ABF2)

16 Dec 2004 Media Releases
The Reserve Bank of Australia announces that it will invest US million of its foreign exchange reserves in the newly created EMEAP Asian Bond Fund 2 (ABF2)

Recent Developments in Asian Bond Markets

15 Dec 2004 Speech
Ric Battellino
Speech by Ric Battellino to the 17th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney

Climate Risks and the Australian Financial System

14 Oct 2021 Speech
Guy Debelle
Speech delivered by Guy Debelle, Deputy Governor, CFA Australia Investment Conference, Virtual Conference

Bilateral Local Currency Swap Agreement with Bank Indonesia

9 Aug 2018 Media Releases
Renewal of bilateral local currency swap agreement with Bank Indonesia.

Central Bank Co-Operation in Asia

8 Aug 1996 Speech
Bernie Fraser
Talk by Bernie Fraser to the Asialink Group, Melbourne

Joint Media Release: 5th High-level Seminar of Central Banks in the East Asia-Pacific Region and the Euro Area

10 Feb 2010 Media Releases
Finally, they discussed the evolution of the international financial architecture. The representatives from the East Asia-Pacific Region were from the Executives' Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP), which