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12 of 2 search results for iac

RBA Glossary definition for IAC

IAC – Issuers and Acquirers Community - AusPayNet established the Issuers and Acquirers Community (IAC) on 1 July 2015, a forum for discussions, establishing rules, standards and guidelines, and provision for a range of specialty services for all card payments in Australia.

Search Results

Internationalisation, Firm Conduct and Productivity | Conference – 1994

11 Jul 1994 Conferences
Henry Ergas and Mark Wright
RBA Annual Conference – 1994 Internationalisation, Firm Conduct and Productivity Henry Ergas and Mark Wright. 1. Background and Overview. For much of the post-war period, Australia's economy was relatively insulated from international trade. In

Internationalisation, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment | Conference – 1994

11 Jul 1994 Conferences
John Howe
RBA Annual Conference – 1994 Internationalisation, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment John Howe. 1. Introduction. The process of internationalisation or ‘globalisation’ involves a thorough transformation of the Australian economy from being