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3140 of 195 search results for ACT

RBA Glossary definition for ACT

ACT – Australian Competition Tribunal

Search Results

Copyright and Disclaimer Notices | Conference – 2015

19 Mar 2015 Conferences
breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

The Key Obstacles to Success in Economic Catching Up by China | Conference – 2016

18 Mar 2016 Conferences
Wing Thye Woo
US–China trade tensions would be lowered substantially if both countries undertake corrective policies rather than if China acts alone, and the two countries should work together to prevent the World

European Unemployment: Why is it So High and What Should be Done About it? | Conference – 1998

9 Jun 1998 Conferences
Richard Jackman
For example, a firm which has been obliged to cut its workforce in bad times may act in the interests of those who are still employed, the ‘insiders’, and retain a

Discussion on The Evolution of Monetary Policy: From Money Targets to Inflation Targets | Conference – 1997

21 Jul 1997 Conferences
pushing the message that the institution has now largely cleaned up its act in a series of steps from the late 1980s onwards culminating in the adoption of an inflation target

What Went Right in the 1990s? Sources of American and Prospects for World Economic Growth | Conference – 2000

21 Jun 1990 Conferences
J Bradford DeLong
The contrast between the success in the 1990s of the Budget Enforcement Act and the failure in the 1980s of Gramm-Rudman to control the deficit is striking.

The Evolution of Financial Deregulation | Conference – 1991

21 Jun 1991 Conferences
Stephen Grenville
This can be illustrated with a couple of examples. The Financial Corporations Act of 1974 demonstrates that an alternative path was in the minds of some – a path which would address ... Either the logic of the 1974 Financial Corporations Act had to be

Discussion on Labour-Productivity Growth and Relative Wages: 1978–1994 | Conference – 1995

31 Dec 1978 Conferences
market flexibility, Lowe's view that relative wages will act as an indicator seems very reasonable.

Robust Design Principles for Monetary Policy Committees | Conference – 2018

12 Apr 2018 Conferences
David Archer and Andrew T Levin
In particular, the Banking Act of 1933 established the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) as the monetary policymaking body.

Discussion on Inflation Measurement for Central Bankers | Conference – 2004

9 Aug 2004 Conferences
and price setters believe that the central bank will act to move the economy to that target in a timely manner.

Discussion on Productivity: The Lost Decade | Conference – 2011

16 Aug 2011 Conferences
It is argued that the deterioration in Australia's productivity performance will act as a drag on living standards and place upward pressure on inflation, and a number of policy responses