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2130 of 54 search results for COIN

RBA Glossary definition for COIN

COIN – Community of Interest Network

Search Results

The 1820s

31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-07
Bryan Fitz-Gibbon and Marianne Gizycki
The bank itself promised that all notes presented would be met in government bills or coin. ... This precipitated large exports of Spanish dollars, which were more rapid than offsetting imports of sterling, leading to a generalised shortage of coin.
See 4 more results from "RDP 2001-07"

Appendix 2: Data Methods and Sources

1 Jul 1991 RDP 9105
Jerome Fahrer and Justin Myatt
Our measure of money is MI, defined as private non-bank sector notes and coins plus current deposits.


31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
Stevens G (2004), ‘Better than a Coin Toss? The Thankless Task of Economic Forecasting’, Address to the Economic Society of Victoria and the Australian Industry Group ‘Economic Focus – Australia's Prospects’,


1 Jan 1987 RDP 8701
Glenn Stevens, Susan Thorp and John Anderson
γ = GDP as defined in Table 1A. Liqudity-augmented monetary based defined as holdings of coin, bullion, and deposits of the Central Bank and Conmonwealth Government Securities by trading banks, and

Data Appendix

1 Aug 1990 RDP 9004
Malcolm Edey and Mark Britten-Jones
overseas (RBA Bulletin Table I.11), Semi and Local Government Borrowings (RBA Bulletin Table I.13) and holdings of notes and coin by the public and bank deposits with the RBA. ... Claims of the private sector on the public sector are given by the sum of


1 Dec 1993 RDP 9313
Geoffrey Shuetrim, Philip Lowe and Steve Morling
As Merton Miller (1988, p. 100) observed, ‘looking back now, perhaps we should have put more emphasis on the other, upbeat side of the “nothing matters” coin: showing what doesn't

Changes in the Behaviour of Banks and Their Implications for Financial Aggregates | Conference – 1989

20 Jun 1989 Conferences
Ric Battellino and Nola McMillan
of depositors' balances to be kept in liquid assets, comprising notes and coin and deposits with the Reserve Bank (excluding SRDs), and/or Treasury notes and other Commonwealth Government securities. ... LGS assets which earnt no interest, such as notes

Discussion on The Cost of Inflation in Australia | Conference – 1992

10 Jul 1992 Conferences
Sometimes they diminished the weight of their silver coins; at others, they debased them by reducing their fineness.

Reflections on US Labour Market Performance | Conference – 1998

9 Jun 1998 Conferences
Lawrence F. Katz
inequality problem are two sides of the same coin’ in which markets will tend ‘to produce increasingly unequal outcomes, or to produce persistent high unemployment if this tendency is repressed’.

Concluding Comments

1 Aug 1985 RDP 8501
U.R. Kohli and C.J. Ryan
two sides of a coin.