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3140 of 228 search results for ACT

RBA Glossary definition for ACT

ACT – Australian Competition Tribunal

Search Results

Introduction | Conference – 1993

12 Jul 1993 Conferences
Adrian Blundell-Wignall
On the other hand, tariffs act as a tax on exports, particularly for countries like Australia that import much of their capital equipment.

Discussion on Recent Developments in Federal Reserve System Liquidity and Reserve Operations | Conference – 2008

14 Jul 2008 Conferences
That is, what constitutes ‘exigent’ circumstances in the terms of the Fed's legislative authority or ‘exceptional’ circumstances in the terms of the Bank of Canada Act? ... One participant was interested in what would happen to the ability of the

Discussion on Industrial Relations Reform and Labour Market Outcomes: A Comparison of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom |…

9 Jun 1998 Conferences
On the first point, having described the Employment Contracts Act in 1994 as ‘the dog that didn't bark in the night’, I can only agree. ... Similarly the effects of government intervention are likely to vary depending on whether government attempts

Copyright and Disclaimer Notices | Conference – 2011

16 Aug 2011 Conferences
Australian Capital Territory: Notice: Some information in the Home Price Guide is licensed from ACT Planning and Land Management. ... permission. Enquiries should be directed to: Manager, Customer Services, ACT Planning and Land Authority GPO Box 1908

What Went Right in the 1990s? Sources of American and Prospects for World Economic Growth | Conference – 2000

21 Jun 1990 Conferences
J Bradford DeLong
The contrast between the success in the 1990s of the Budget Enforcement Act and the failure in the 1980s of Gramm-Rudman to control the deficit is striking.

Explaining Global Market Turmoil: A Fresh Perspective on its Origins and Nature | Conference – 1999

9 Aug 1999 Conferences
Horace 'Woody' Brock
In the case of emerging market nations, it is all too easy for A-Team analysts or hedge fund stars to act as belief correlators. ... of resources throughout the economy; and there is no serial correlation of returns, implying that it would be irrational

Discussion on Housing in Australia in the 2000s: On the Agenda Too Late? | Conference – 2011

24 Jul 2000 Conferences
For me, this Conference therefore represents a hard act to follow but the papers are of a very high standard and useful insights abound.

Robust Design Principles for Monetary Policy Committees | Conference – 2018

12 Apr 2018 Conferences
David Archer and Andrew T Levin
In particular, the Banking Act of 1933 established the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) as the monetary policymaking body.

Discussion on A Snapshot of Inflation Targeting in its Adolescence | Conference – 2004

9 Aug 2004 Conferences
shocks. In a number of cases, inflation targeters had initially talked tougher than they intended to act; hardly surprising given that inflation performance had been relatively poor prior to the adoption ... Credibility was achieved in Australia

Discussion on The Evolution of Monetary Policy: From Money Targets to Inflation Targets | Conference – 1997

21 Jul 1997 Conferences
pushing the message that the institution has now largely cleaned up its act in a series of steps from the late 1980s onwards culminating in the adoption of an inflation target