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3140 of 376 search results for FOI Act

RBA Glossary definition for ACT

ACT – Australian Competition Tribunal

RBA Glossary definition for FOI

FOI – Freedom of Information, a regime under which individuals have the right to request access to documents from Australian Government ministers and most government agencies. The regime is established by the FOI Act.

RBA Glossary definition for FOI Act

FOI ActFreedom of Information Act 1982

Search Results

Shadow Bank Lending to the Residential Property Market

15 Sep 2017 Bulletin – September 2017
Michael Gishkariany, David Norman and Tom Rosewall
Shadow bank lending can play an important role in the economy, but on a large enough scale it could damage financial system resilience. Domestic banks have tightened standards for lending to the residential property market over recent years,

Factors Affecting an Individual's Future Labour Market Status

15 Dec 2016 Bulletin – December 2016
Michelle van der Merwe
This article examines the ways in which someone's characteristics and circumstances in one year affect their probability of being in a particular labour market state in the next year. People are more likely to be employed next year if they are

Sources of Financial Risk for Central Counterparties

15 Sep 2016 Bulletin – September 2016
Jennifer Hancock, David Hughes and Suchita Mathur
Central counterparties (CCPs) play an important role in managing the risks present in financial markets and in increasing the overall stability of the financial system. This requires CCPs to be sufficiently financially resilient so that they can

Semi-Annual Statement on Monetary Policy

10 May 1999 Bulletin – May 1999
Reserve Bank Bulletin – May 1999 Semi-Annual Statement on Monetary Policy. Download the complete Statement 309. KB. The Australian economy has performed impressively over the past year. The expansion, now nearly through its eighth year, is the

Statement on Monetary Policy

10 Aug 2005 Bulletin – August 2005
Statement on Monetary Policy-August 2005

The Transmission of Monetary Policy: How Does It Work?

15 Sep 2017 Bulletin – September 2017
Tim Atkin and Gianni La Cava
The transmission of monetary policy refers to how changes to the cash rate affect economic activity and inflation. This article outlines the stages of transmission and the channels through which it occurs. The effects of monetary policy are hard to

Syndicated Lending

10 Sep 2005 Bulletin – September 2005
In addition to helping arrange the deal, one of the lead banks will usually act as an agent, administering the loan after its execution and managing the ongoing relationship between the

The Personal Credit Card Market in Australia: Pricing over the Past Decade

10 Mar 2012 Bulletin – March 2012
Iris Chan, Sophia Chong and Stephen Mitchell
To some extent this acts as a competitive discipline on merchant service fees, although some merchants may feel that declining to accept a particular card is not a realistic option. ... By contrast, three-party schemes generally act as sole issuers and

Statement on Monetary Policy

10 Feb 2001 Bulletin – February 2001
Reserve Bank Bulletin – February 2001 Statement on Monetary Policy. Download the complete Statement 771. KB. International economic conditions have weakened in recent months and are likely to provide a less favourable environment for the

Authorised Short Term Money Market Dealers

10 Jun 1991 Bulletin – June 1991
They provide facilities for the investment of overnight and short term funds and are obliged to act as market makers in short term Commonwealth Government securities. ... Limits are placed on the extent of these daylight overdrafts. The Bank also acts as