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3140 of 49 search results for US$

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Safety and Stability

21 Mar 2002 PSB Annual Report – 2001
time). Bank B is at risk that it delivers the $A but Bank A fails to deliver the US$. ... time). Bank A is at risk that it delivers the $A but Bank C fails to deliver the US$.

The Openness Equation

31 Dec 2004 RDP 2004-11
Simon Guttmann and Anthony Richards
The data are in current US$ and taken from Penn World Tables 6.1, as are the data for GDP per capita and population.

The Effects of the Depreciation

1 Dec 1987 RDP 8713
Tony Richards and Glenn Stevens
It should be noted that the estimates of this paper use calculations of the effect of changes in the $A/US$ rate upon petrol prices, based on existing government revenue arrangements.

The Bank's Market Operations During the Year* | Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report - 1983

30 Jun 1983 Annual Report
Over the course of the year as a whole the trade-weighted index was reduced by 11.9 per cent, while the US$/$A rate fell by 14.5 per cent.

The Australian Mining Industry during the 2000s

31 Dec 2011 RDP 2011-08
Ellis Connolly and David Orsmond
ConocoPhillips and. Sinopec. 2011–2015. 13. 4.3. Note: (a) The cost estimates are from company and government announcements; where costs were reported in US$, the exchange rate at the time

Financial Market Volatility – Some Facts

1 Dec 1995 RDP 9513
David Gruen
Thus, when the Bretton-Woods system broke down in 1973, Australia maintained its peg to the US$. ... This system again changed in 1976, and from then until 1983, the Australian dollar was on a crawling peg (adjusted daily) against the US$.

Recent Australian Experience: An Overview

1 Jun 1977 RDP 7702
P.D. Jonson and J.C. Taylor
commodities. Australia's exchange rate with the US$ remained fixed throughout the 1960's then revalued substantially from 1971 to 1973 and subsequently devalued. ... There were net revaluations relative to the US$ of 6% in 1971/72, 16% in 1972/73, 5% in

Operations in Financial Markets

3 Aug 1999 RBA Annual Report – 1999
Exchange. rates against. US$. Change from. July 1997. to trough (per cent).

Australian and Foreign Business Cycles

1 Dec 1995 RDP 9512
Guy Debelle and Bruce Preston
For the US and OECD the scale is given by the log of US$ billions.

Operations in Financial Markets

30 Jun 1998 RBA Annual Report – 1998
Actual and benchmark returns in 1997/98. (Per cent). Actual. Benchmark. US (in US$).