Search: official reserve assets (RBA)

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12 of 2 collapsed search results for official reserve assets RBA

RBA Glossary definition for RBA

RBA – Reserve Bank of Australia. Australia's central bank, the body corporate successor to the Commonwealth Bank established in 1912; created under its new name by the Reserve Bank Act 1959.

Search Results


23 Nov 2016 RDP 2016-08
Rachael McCririck and Daniel Rees
Fernald constructs a series that accords closely to the theoretical concept of TFP by removing from the official US productivity statistics the effects of variation in the utilisation of capital and ... Asset prices are a natural place to look for shifts

The Slowdown in US Productivity Growth: Breaks and Beliefs

1 Oct 2016 RDP 2016-08
Rachael McCririck and Daniel Rees
Second, after reaching the zero lower bound, the Federal Reserve continued to apply further monetary stimulus to the US economy through unconventional policy actions. ... The implications are even more significant in the more recent period, in which the