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RBA Glossary definition for broad money

broad money – The widest definition of money published by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Broad money is defined as currency plus ADI deposits from the non-AFI private sector, plus other short-term liquid AFI liabilities held by the non-AFI private sector.

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Appendix: Data Sources and Methods

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Data for broad money, bank lending, lending by all financial intermediaries and credit have been seasonally adjusted by the authors, using the multiplicative X-11Q procedure. ... 09. 07. 09. 19. 24. 24. Broad money. 06. 04. 25.

Data Listing

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Broad Money excluding cash management trusts in March and June 1983 was 112,011 and 113,372 respectively. ... From September 1984 Broad Money excludes identifiable double counting. Including double counting, Broad Money was 133,747 in September 1984.

Financial Indicators and Real Private Demand: Correlation Analysis

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Among the broader aggregates, the results are also weak; the only significant coefficient is a coincident one between broad money and private demand. ... 3. Broad money shows a strong coincident relationship with real demand through both of the

The Indicators

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Figure 2 illustrates the 90-day bill rate, the weighted average rate on banks' certificates of deposit, and the weighted average rate paid by authorised dealers in the short-term money ... The three aggregates are:. broad money, defined as the public's

Financial Indicators and Nominal Private Demand: Graphical Comparisons

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Figure 13 shows growth in nominal demand and growth in the broader financial aggregates – broad money, lending and credit. ... In most cases, turning points in broad money tended to lag those in nominal demand.

Financial Indicators and Real Private Demand: Graphical Comparisons

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
The same situation occurred in 1985/86. If anything, lending and credit showed a greater tendency to lag than did broad money. ... Broad money was affected by the same factors which hold growth of M3 below bank lending, namely the rapid growth of non-A$

Financial Indicators and Nominal Private Demand: Correlation Analysis

1 Aug 1988 RDP 8805
Michele Bullock, Dirk Morris and Glenn Stevens
Broad money has a significant positive correlation with nominal demand, which is the strongest in the current quarter and extends to lead 2. ... This significant leading role for broad money contrasts with its relationship to real demand, where the only