Search: aggregate demand

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12 of 2 collapsed search results for aggregate demand

RBA Glossary definition for aggregate demand

aggregate demand – Gross domestic product as measured by the sum of final expenditure on goods and services produced.

Search Results

Adoption and Firm Profitability

21 Dec 2023 RDP 2023-10
Kim Nguyen and Jonathan Hambur
θ. s. ,. t. The former allows us to control for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity at the firm level, while the latter accounts for industry-level patterns in adoption, demand conditions, tax

Adoption of Emerging Digital General-purpose Technologies: Determinants and Effects

21 Oct 2023 RDP 2023-10
Jonathan Hambur
Adopting firms are also more likely to try to hire workers with GPT-related skills, indicating adoption is associated with increased demand for relevant skills. ... This suggests that firms increase their demand for these skills when trying to use these