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1111 of 11 collapsed search results for exchange rates

RBA Glossary definition for exchange rates

exchange rates – The price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency. Any exchange rate can be quoted two ways, e.g. Australian dollars per US dollar (USD/AUD) or US dollars per Australian dollar (AUD/USD). The convention for the Australian dollar is that it is quoted as the foreign currency price of the Australian dollar. This is sometimes referred to as the 'Indirect' method of quoting.

Search Results

A Behavioural Model of the Australian Long-Term Interest Rate

1 Nov 1996 RDP 9608
Alison Tarditi
RDP 9608: Modelling the Australian Exchange Rate, Long Bond Yield and Inflationary Expectations 4. ... Download the Paper 171. KB. In contrast to the volume of literature on determinants of the exchange rate, work on modelling the behaviour of the