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12 of 2 collapsed search results for SDR

RBA Glossary definition for SDR

SDR – Special Drawing Right. Used as an international reserve asset to settle transactions between countries and help balance international liquidity. The value of the SDR is calculated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the basis of a weighted basket of five currencies: US dollar; European euro; Chinese renminbi; Japanese yen; and UK pound. The IMF publishes the value of the SDR each day in terms of US dollars and the Reserve Bank of Australia provides an equivalent value in Australian Dollars.

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31 Dec 2011 RDP 2011-07
Jonathan Kearns and Philip Lowe
The most visible manifestation of the increasing development of Asia was the surge in commodity prices and the terms of trade; in SDR terms the average level of the Reserve

Overview of the Decade

31 Dec 2011 RDP 2011-07
Jonathan Kearns and Philip Lowe
By May 2009, the RBA's commodity price index in SDRs had fallen by over 30 per cent from its October 2008 level, while the Australian dollar depreciated by around 30 ... cent. Despite the deep recessions in developed economies, key emerging economies